

Popped out to the social medias this morning to see what I could see.

Came across this :

Rev Devon Franklin clapped back at a lady when she tried to come for his wife, Meagan Good. #MeaganGood #DevonFranklin

Posted by Ole E on Monday, February 15, 2016

I actually got teary watching, WOW! Is that what it’s like for a dude to have your back like that?

I keep hearing this narrative that Black chicks like thugs or azz holes. “Nice guys” always complaining about how they lost the girl they were crushing on who probably only looked good because if they really knew her, they likely would see the reasons she likes “thugs or azzholes” aligns to her own “thugerita/azzhole” preledictions they may not like after all…..

I digress…

The thing is though, it’s not so much THAT that she’s attracted to. It’s the assumption that if something went down, he would have her back, no question. He’d be a “ride or die” dude. He’d be “strong” and wouldn’t back down. He’d be her protector.

Those characteristics are not singular to thugs or azzholes. They are more unique to dudes with strong and/or confident personalities. They could be confident and wrong, but they’re still confident. They could be violent and emotional, but…still strong in their convictions. This video though is an example of a religious dude who has his wife’s back. She really didn’t have to say anything at all. He handled it and comforted her.

The “nice guys” tend to be more passive, subversive, or may even think it’s not their place to step in because “equality and feminisim”…or because she can handle it herself.

This may work for some also though. All my past relationships were with this type of dude. It’s whatever floats your boat.

Recognize the difference between these two types of dudes and adjust your expectations of them accordingly. Get to know them first. Watch how they deal with conflict, figure out if that would work for you in a relationship or if something went down.

If it would work for you, engage. If not, don’t engage expecting them to suddenly change into your superhero.

If you take the time to get to know him first, he’ll let you know what he’s about.

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