So I’ve been kind of preachy on here lately so we’re going to switch it up a bit.

I’ve also had a bit of vodka which by the way mostly tastes like NyQuil, but that’s besides the point…

I have had a moderate infatuation with Asian pop culture since about the 8th grade or so basically 16 years or so). It’s circular….but when I’m in the high activity period, it’s slightly obsessive.

I don’t recall if I’ve talked about it much on there, besides when I’m in the middle of an K drama or something…or I’ll talk about Sailor Moon on the twitter (btw new Sailor Moon Crystal episodes are coming in April! Happy Birthday to me), but I do randomly follow this blasin group on Facebook.

That part is kinda weird and fetis.hy, but they do post interesting things sometimes.

So the other day I was quickly scrolling down facebook while standing in line for lunch…and I sometimes save links as I’m going down the timeline to read later. Tonight I was reviewing the links I’d saved this week and came across this one about an All black K pop group.

Of importance is this cover of a popular Kpop artist :

Now I DO recall that I’ve talked about this on the blog before, basically, South Korea, or really Korea seems to be a rather racially homologous country and they are a bit side eyeish about foreigners, and especially Black people…to the point where once an artist made a music video with a Black girl as the love interest, and his fans wrote him and told him to commit suicide for doing such a things.

SO a group like this is kind of a big deal…I’m VERY curious to see how well they well do there.

Also blows my mind because obviously for some of the pop they borrow HEAVILY from Black American culture, but I guess…humans….cognitive dissonance is a thing…

For them to go over there though and be Black with Korean language? That would be suuuuuuuper interesting to see if it works out for them…

Time will reveal!

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  • February 13, 2016 at 1:24 am

    Is K-pop music itself distinctive or is it more to do with the visuals? Would that song still be K-pop if CocoAvenue were to sing it in English?

    • February 13, 2016 at 1:29 am

      Mostly just the language because if some of their stuff was in English, it would sound just like American pop, hop hop, or R&B…


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