First Wives Club


Geek squad is growing up, mostly leaving me behind in the singles people club.

Which honestly I am okay with.

I told them not to invite me to the family/wives/couples things though because no please. Last time I went to one, I was stuck listening to a conversation about shopping for pajamas and brunch.

I would literally rather do anything but that.

I feel like I’ve talked about this before, but as time goes on (in my expansive life, lol) I find myself being less and less interested in romantic relationships for me.

Which is funny given  who I’m currently still infatuated with, and that he was ALL ABOUT those, but I know those songs and feelings are painting pictures of experiences, if not personal ones then composite ones. The best of times. The worst of times.

I also know that listening to that artist makes me uncomfortable sometimes because it pokes at stuff I stuff away…and in a way I find him so fascinating because he is able to convey those experiences through his music to where I’ve felt like I’ve experienced them myself in an abstract way….

But even then, when I bring my own stuff out to look at it, I find that I still don’t have a desire to be in a relationship with a dude in real space.Like I don’t see the benefit of it. The music makes me feel like I’ve experienced love, but it doesn’t inspire me to want that for me in the future.

I could see if you wanted kids and wanted the children to be raised in a family unit.

But other than that, what is the benefit?

It’s not even about not seeing good examples of it. It just seems very strange to me to have a symbiotic relationship with another human for some reason now. It seems selfish in a way? Like “I like you. Would you like to rearrange your life to include me in it? Also here are the things I like and don’t like. I’m sure you have those things about you too. Let’s work together and sacrifice our individual happiness for a joint happiness we must work to maintain. ”

I don’t understand the purpose of that.

If you take away religion, societal pressures, and people’s insecurities/needs for validation what is the reason for entering into romantic relationships ?

What if you’re not particularly religious, generally operate outside of what’s considered “normal”, and self-medicate your validation?

What if sex becomes metaphysical for you? Like you can achieve intense feelings of pleasure in other ways that don’t involve gonads and strife?

What if intimacy can be found in ways that don’t involve interacting with people?

Isn’t it just a closeness or familiarity with another person?

Isn’t it just another type of validation?

These are questions.

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