Jesus take the wheel


Jesus Take the Wheel

So, I have a sister.

She is 26 years old, works for Disney, drives a brand new car, has friends…you know basically living “the Good Life” a la Mr. West.

But she is also the most bitter, jealous, hateful person I have ever met.

She’s the textbook example of someone who has “middle child syndrome.” Supposedly overshadowed by the oldest and youngest sibling, she has been acting out for attention ever since I was born. When people meet her, they wonder why she’s looking at them with the boo boo face…when people know her, they wonder why she blames the whole world for stuff that has happened to her, and not herself. For example here’s the latest:

So I texted this girl to ask a yes or no question about a TV show I was watching. Instead of saying “yes” or “no” she proceeded to tell me that she couldn’t answer right then because she broke her face and was getting x-rays done.

Yes you read that right…

She broke her face.

Apparently, she was walking into a building and a person in a wheel chair “slammed the door on her face.”

. . .

Yes it’s as ridiculous as that sounds.

Periodically, she has some kind of health condition that somehow turns into a terminal illness, or someone at work yelled at her for something she didn’t do, etc. She calls my mother all the time to complain and my mother will indulge her, I think to her determent…in fact, to both of their detriments. She knows not to call me because I see right through that isht. In fact, I usually get mad…I’m mean I’m thinking, “You are 26 years old…why are you acting like you don’t have any sense?! I’m the baby of the family…I’m 22…and I’m not even CLOSE to your level of attention seeking!”

I’ve asked my mother how she got to be this way, and my mother says she’s been like this since I was born. My sister will call up my mother and go on and on about how it’s not fair that I’ve had boyfriends, or how I make more than her and she’s been working longer, or even random stuff like how it’s not fair I got job three months after I graduated and or how my hair is longer…

Really? Really really?! My bad for being proactive about my life and going after what I wanted…and using hair products made for…you know…BLACK people…

She’s even jealous and complains that my other sister makes more money than her….


It’s gotten to the point where my mother is getting tired of dealing with her. She wants to bring back the old days and beat the Black off her. I would have patted my mother on the back if not for the fact that this girl has now told my oldest sister that she wants to commit suicide.

I don’t even know what I would do. I think that I would be extremely pissed or….UGH! I don’t even know. I just don’t know. Lord forgive me, but my relationship with her…or even, my entire family’s relationship with her is strained because she is so hateful. Even my father says, “she wouldn’t get along with Jesus Himself!” She really is that bad. She doesn’t believe in God anymore, she HATES Black people, she HATES extended family members (especially if they “aren’t educated”) and…just…I don’t even know were it ends…

I honestly don’t try to talk to her unless it’s a text or a short email…we fell out a few years ago over some other crazy stuff she did…

This drama with her has allowed me understand a few things about myself. It interesting how you can see a part of your personality amplified in someone and then want to make change in yourself IMMEDIATELY.

For me, I know that sometimes I tend to be pessimistic and also blame people especially when comes to relationships, of course I’m no where near as bad as my sister, but I can definitely understand how hard it may be to deal with negative people. Negativity breeds negativity…she’s textbook example of that, and I would NEVER EVER want that to be a prevalent theme to my personality.

Making a change for 2008 starting right this second. Karma is real. I will not contribute any negativity to myself…I will be positive about the future, my amazing talents, and speak and be proactive about what I want do to in this lifetime. I will not change myself or try to adapt to other people’s ideals to get them to like me; I will be me. If you don’t like it, f you. Also, there is no time to doubt myself. Life is too short and I’m TOO cute…(shoot that ain’t being arrogant…I AM!) With God by my side, anything is possible.



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