Plight of the Pint


In projecting your issues on other people’s situation news…

New P book by Robert Whitman coming out soon featuring pics from 1977. He’d just turned 19 and was fresh faced before becoming a star.

I call this era until about 1981 “Baby Prince” mostly because he’s 20 – 23 and still had a lot of erratic energy he learned how to channel better later.

Size wise, one hears over and over that he was short. I HEARD that, but even after I saw him in the flesh with my own two eyes,  I didn’t really understand it until I saw his “life size” garment mannequins at Paisley Park…. That man could legitimately be my body double….except he had more muscle than me.

I’m five one and 88-90 pounds on a normal day. He was five two and I heard he was about  120-135 at a healthy weight. (Was around 112 when he ducked out…a few pounds makes a HUGE difference when you have a small frame…)

But yeah.

Small frame + looking young can be tricky at times.

He changed the conversation around the way he looked by having a huge presence (sensuality/seriousness/strictness/professional/wry wit) and by having a unique style. They say when he came around, you were on your toes. Nobody was going to “awwww you’re so cuuutte” this.

(Age 24)

Or this… (Age 28)

Or this… (Age 33)

But they probably will cutefy this casual moment… (Age 46)

I get the “awww you’re so cute” all the time which probably isn’t helped by the way I dress  (more like that last pic)…perhaps could take a page from The Professor’s book to that point..

Also same agitation when people refer to him as a “boy” when he clearly isn’t…like when he’s 30+.

That could be partially the size annoyance thing, and also the racist thing from when Black men were always called “boy” no matter the age. The commodification/sexualization of Prince by certain groups IGGSS me because of the Mandingo fantasy factor…grosses me out even.

But again I get that I see it that way because of my own issues as he himself positioned himself that way on purpose…

Really interesting that of course I find Prince “sexy” but it’s generally more than a state of mind kind of sexy than a “I want to do you” kind of sexy.

Most of the time.

Like 89.76% percent of the time.


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