Exploring Woo Stuff



Reading a lot of books on spirituality and different topics.

Was getting some maintenance last weekend and my esthetician mentioned a book called Many Lives,  Ma.ny Masters by B.rian Weiss. He’s a Yale educated psychotherapist who has regression hypnosis as part of his therapy. The book is about his experience with one patient he unintentionally regressed back to before she was born…allegedly…to past lives she’s lived. He was a HUGE skeptic about it until she relayed some details about his own life that she couldn’t have known about…and it totally freaked him out.

I have a moderate curiosity about such things. Of course kicked off some by Fairy God Boyfriend and themes he’s had in his music since the early 90’s and especially toward the end of his time here. Have read about a dozen books on New Age subjects since digging in his stuff.

For me, I’m not struggling with any illnesses and don’t seem to have any psychological blocks really, but I am super curious about all possibilities of everything…and am also curious if it would be something that would help a family member as well…

Or maybe I do have a few blocks…like intimacy relational and otherwise. Figuring out if I run from it/intellectualize it or if there’s some deep set reason for it…or in a New Age way…maybe I legit didn’t come back this time to explore that and not having the urge is more of a “following directions” thing than something that I lack or something that is blocked.

So I looked into people who might do past life regression hypnosis sessions in Atlanta…just out of curiosity. I found one…who happened to be taught by Brain Weis.s.


I’m gonna do it…just to see.

Going April 28th.

The books I’ve read about this though all say to not really get caught up in the past life stuff. If you believe in it, it doesn’t matter what happened in the past life for the most part, because it was in the past. Sometimes though you do carry things with you into the “next life”…like old scars you might get again, recurring aches and pains that don’t have an explanation, irrational fears of things that can’t be explained away, relationship karma that carries forward with other alleged people who were reborn with you to help you work things out.

The concept is that reincarnation is to iterate your soul in hopes of becoming more open, loving, and free.

Jesus and nem are still a thing…they are “Ascended Master.s” still anointed, elevate above the rest of us, and super important.

Religion still a thing because they are a documented method to learning how to be your ideal self (for the most part).

The Christian model still fits here….but instead of getting one shot, you get unlimited shots…and the closer you get to Him, the less you have to come back and try again to get it right.

Hell isn’t a thing though, it’s really what you make it (ie. coming back and carrying a TON of bad karma with you making it harder to be open and loving because of your bad situations…but if you learn to see the lessons in things and overcome them, you can get back on the right path.)

So all interesting stuff! Dabble here…dabble there…

I’ll let you know what I find out…

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