With this ring…


If I hear about one more person getting married…

It seems that the first wave of engagements from high school acquitances is coming through. I know of about five so far, and it seems I learn of a new one every day. It’s hard to imagine some of these people married already, but at the same time, it’s really not. I guess it is common for people to be married soon after graduation, and I keep forgetting that this time next year, I’ll only have a few months left of college myself (scary).

Looking back, I wonder if I’ve made the most of my time here in college. For the most part, I would say I expected college to be the best years of my life because people would be so opened minded, diverse, intelligent, and just plain cool. People were supposed to sit under trees and have long discussions about philosophy and why we’re here on earth. We’re supposed to boycott corporations and have sit ins because of what’s happening on the other side of the world. We’re supposed to have parties, get drunk a few times, and just be unaccountable because in a short time, we’d have responsible adult things to do.

I suppose the college years can be all those things for me; Tech really is what you make it. I guess I’d rather just sit and complain than do something about it, LOL.

I really do think I’m getting burned out from all the sorority stuff though. It’s one thing to have meetings and participate in community service, but it’s another to have to go to parties, wear certain clothes on certain days, and act as a delegate for 50 million organizations.

It’s what I wanted though so I shouldn’t complain.

For the record though. If you’re getting married, don’t tell me. Let me remain blissfully ignorant that we all have to grow up one day…

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Operation Make the Most of College


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