Relating in Relationships


Had a talk with a friend today.

She says I hide behind my computer and text messaging to avoid direct contact with males, especially those that I’m attracted to. She also says that it’s not good to do that because people who converse that way either have something to hide or they’re scared…

I guess she’s right. In the past, correspondence with people usually had some hidden aspect to it, but I have a huge issue with dealing with people I’m attracted to directly. It’s so much easier to talk in a disconnected way because it’s more anonymous and if you say something wrong you can just never talk to them again…*laugh

Another thing is that I don’t like being the aggressive person right out. Like I said, I’d rather let the male do the male thing and be ambitious about pursuing me. Once I’m comfortable with you, I’ll meet the aggression on any level….

Because of this she says that people can’t tell whether I’m attracted to them , or that I’m not approachable.

I suppose she made a few good points, but I don’t know. I know I can’t pre-judge a person because of what may have happened in the past, but I can’t really help it, especially if I see some of the same characteristics.

At the same time though, the characteristics aren’t necessarily negative. Personally, I would like the person I’m involved with be attractive to others. I would like the person to be social, personable, and know how to have fun. I would like the person to be charming, easy going, and fun to talk to. I would like the person to be intelligent and able to talk about thought provoking topics.

I suppose the only way I could gauge how trustworthy a person in is by conversing with them in a more expository way, but at the same time, it would expose me too…

Eh, too much to think about!

*puts away charts and decision matrices*

I’ll just give them a call.

…or a text.

..instant message?

…postal mail that should arrive in a few days? (LOL)

P.S. Athletes are still lame pieces of organic material that resemble males fueled by sex and ego boosts.

P.P.S. Whipped out the scissors and gave myself bangs. Was verbally assulted by about 5 females for not letting a professional do it, but I like them dagnabit.

wearing one of those outfits that probably won't leave my room

I think they make me look older

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