Peverse Attractions


I had an inappropriate dream about my marketing professor.

The strange thing is that I don’t even find him attractive, physically or otherwise…

Not really anyway…


After the first day of class, he emailed me and asked if I spelled my name with a capital N.

Then in a class of maybe 150 people or so, he looks directly at me and makes me feel like I’m the only person in the room.

I attribute it to him being a marketing professor with really good people skills.

Alarming though!

I’m not really used to being one on one with people. I noticed that for the most part, it makes me uncomfortable when people, especially males give me their full attention when I don’t really know them. It’s too intimate of an interaction for everyday type things. I feel like they’re trying to invade me…

But sometimes, the things that bother you most are things that you also find attractive.

nasty sheepLike this sheep. I look at this and it looks disgusting and unnatural, yet I can’t stop looking at it.

Oe when making someone that you care about angry…

I remember I was hanging out with someone that’s now an ex. We were doing something, I can’t really remember [subtext:none of yo biznesss] and I made him frustrated/mad. I’d never really seen him express a negative emotion so it was like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs. I felt guilty for a while, but at the same time, I found that little outburst extremely sexy. Kind of showed his aggressiveness and wondered how that could have been transposed in another arena, if you know what I mean.

That’s also bothersome for a reason other than me just feeling guilty though. Why would a female desire to be manhandled by a male? Is it some kind of unconscious satisfaction that comes from being a victim? Is it that deep down, she feels she deserves it? Is it that since she always spends so much time being defensive and confident, she enjoys being submissive every once in a while?

Maybe it’s all these things.

It’s a sad day though when your professor is the main player in your fantasy life whether you want him to or not.

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