What Day is It?


I don’t know why I keep trying to make today Wednesday…it’s only Tuesday!

But it’s been a long week!

Still chugging along with this project as I will be doing until May. It’s crazy! I feel like we’re speeding forward overall…rushing to deadline after deadline. As I mentioned before, it’s been a HUGE character lesson…especially one regarding control. I do generally have a close hold on the stuff that falls under my responsibility…but I also generally have a close hold on the results of those things because I can step in at any time and do things myself.

For this though, they’re using code and technology that I’m not that familiar with…so if something goes wrong, I CAN’T step in…I have to rely on everyone to do their jobs.

For the most part, the team is dependable and awesome. They figure things out and won’t stop working until things are done. The things that impact us the most are related to the environment outside our project. Because we’re a bit bleeding edge, the infrastructure is unsure of how to support us. The model is to push forward and ask for forgiveness later, or push forward while I have meetings and lunches with people to give us what  we need to be successful. Drives me nuts, but learning to…well not exactly let go, but adjust levers to manage expectations. These next few sprints will be tough though…they cycle in 2 weeks instead of 3….we can’t wait on people…it has to be done yesterday.

This week is preparation of the faster cadence…we’ll see…

In other news…

There is no other news. Work is pretty much life as usual. I am going to hear about the feasibility of some non-work related stuff later on tonight. I’m trying to decide how I’ll be affected if the possibility of the thing is removed…

Will I be sad about it? Disappointed? Depressed?

It’s not so much the actual interaction as it is…kind of like I mentioned before…the concept of a dream dying. I’m not really a dreamer so when I have them, they’re kind of a mainstay because most of the things I hope for are within my power to manifest.

So even…if the possibility of the thing becomes a reality…

Will I be sad about it? Disappointed? Depressed?

What else is there to look forward to or hope for that would be a “nice to have” but not necessary fantasy?

Marriage and kids is always possible with a random who wants the same thing….but a meeting someone truly special that you want to do that with is luck. Too much luck to fall into the “just out of reach” fantasy bucket.

Same for winning lottery.

What are non work/non self-maintenance things people look forward to or work toward?

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