

What day is it?

Is it really Tuesday?!

Thank goodness we get Friday off!

Met young Neo! He’s a cutie pie!

I was really nervous about meeting him for some reason, but he’s honestly too young to like or not like people. He of course ADORES his mama, but others are just bottle holders and temporary beds, lol.

Regarding the actual reason I went up there?

To babysit so they could spend some time together for their 1 year wedding anniversary?

That was Sunday.

Started with REALLY LOUD unedited rap music as HE washed his car before church. His daughter meanwhile was working on her Kumon and could hear it all. (It was really loud sexually explicit stuff too).

HE and his daughter go to church at 11.

Sister comes down with Neo and does her devotional with him (plays gospel music and moves Neo like he’s a choir director…so cute!). She also reads to him from a bible story book and a numbers book. (He looked totally into it by the way).

We watch the service the others went to online. It’s about being anti-gay marriage. Nice. -_-

Also, she apparently argued with her husband that morning hence the loud music. He was mad that she wasn’t ready to leave the house yet (doctor’s orders she lost a ton of blood and is generally weak.) I offered to pick up some food and cook them dinner. She accepted. She had cereal for breakfast but was still hungry…she didn’t want to eat too much before dinner though so I made her a fruit salad.

I went to Whole Foods and got ingredients for chicken and sirloin kabobs, chayote for her boobfeeding, green beans, naan, spices…more fruit for her roughage…

Got back to the house and marinated my meats. Put sister and Neo down for a nap.

Time passes….

It’s almost 5 now and HE strolls in with the daughter.

I told him I’d start dinner and to get ready…sister had gotten up a bit before to get ready.

He said he’d already eaten…and took the daughter to Boston Market for dinner…and probably wouldn’t eat again.

Also, he called my sister outside…she  looked nice…thought it was for a surprise…

He called her out to say he wanted to get rid of the dog. (She’d always wanted a dog but couldn’t care for her while she was recovering from the birth. It was on HIM to take care of the dog but he felt feeding her was too much work.)

I’m seriously not exaggerating at all….that poor dog had been super neglected. Covered in pee and poo. He wasn’t taking care of her at all…

So sister was sad about that…

Also, she fixed herself up for nothing…he didn’t even get her a card.

So I just made the whole dinner and set her up with a special plate. Put her drink in a goblet too and waited on her hand and foot for the rest of the day. Even acted as a bed for Neo so she could get more sleep.

She even posted a super sweet anniversary message on her fb saying how much in love she was. He usually makes those declarations as well, but made no mention of the anniversary at all.


I can’t…I tried to understand and relate…and I know he has reasons for sucking, but some people use those reasons to improve, not as a crutch.

He is the latter and it’s disgusting.

We even talked about my pillars.

He even said, “I can’t be myself around everyone. I have to put up a front and be what people think I should be.”

I could and cannot. No. Dude…you are in your 40’s no one CARES who you’re supposed to be!

He is literally a child.

How do people have all this energy to pretend when it requires absolutely NO EFFORT to be yourself?!

Just done.

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My Heart…
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Crisis Averted


  • June 30, 2015 at 10:46 pm

    At least the car’s clean.

    This is sad. Where do you think it will end up?

    • July 1, 2015 at 9:42 am

      I don’t really know. I think she’ll stick with it she wants to do things “the right way” even in non-ideal circumstances.

      My other family, however, think they’ll separate once she gets fed up.


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