Keep Out



Color Quiz…

Stress SourcesĀ 

Not a team player and is unwilling to be involved in most activities. In the past she was over involved and now emotionally drained. Due to her fear of over involvement, she now chooses to remain uninvolved with the activities around her.

Restrained Characteristics

Is bothered when her needs and desires are misunderstood. Has strict standards when looking for a partner and wants guarantees that she will not be disappointed or lose.
Feels life in general is handing her many difficult and unpleasant things. She is resistant to joining in with others and want to be left alone

Actual Problem

Takes advantage of all types of other experiences, but then denies any of them have value to her. Her destructive behavior is her way of escaping.

Ask me why I’m so judgmental of certain types of people. I don’t put my job or safety at risk, but relationships with others tend to fall off due to similar self sabotage and undermining. Its really all the same problem. Lack of maturity and experience.

That mirror goes both ways.

Speak up. Be honest. Play fair. Notice things and stop progress before it goes too far. Literally put yourself first. You know yourself. Don’t even get in situations where you know things won’t turn out well.

I’ll own that. Didn’t follow my own rules (did not tighten up or distance like I said I would) backed myself into a corner, and passive agressived my way out…taking people out with me.

Nobody is perfect indeed.

Gotta get out of dodge from this guy the security officer said has been looking for me too.

How does that even work? He saw me once and wants to get to know me?

This other guy told me I was beautiful and he wanted to “wife” me while I was walking into a store for hair stuff yesterday. On my way out, he asked for a dollar.

I’m kind of over relationships/dudes/dating for a while.

I don’t know how to be partially invested in someone. I don’t know how to date just to date. It truly isn’t in my nature. It confuses me.

I also don’t know how to have tough conversations like “You’re an amazing person, but I don’t think we should see each other anymore.” I’ve had that said to me and it sucks.

I also don’t know how to say “I don’t have feelings for you anymore. Please don’t look to me for anything.” or “Please stop talking to me. It makes me feel like I’m leading you on if I’m friendly and there really is nothing there for me anymore.” During/After a relationship that has lasted years.

The alternatives aren’t better either. Probably just as bad.

Maybe it bothered me when my Dad said I don’t know how to speak up because I truly don’t. I just let things go until it implodes in self-sabotage, anger, resentment, etc.

Dudes beware.

I don’t understand my own feels.

LOL at me complaining about “hoes” being masochists by listening to sappy songs. Again, I was annoyed because I know it’s something I do and something I wish I could STOP doing. This one is resonating :

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