Testing the waters


So people say when you get out of relationships and you notice a pattern, you should date outside your comfort zone…you know…try someone who isn’t your usual “type”.

As for me and my house, I don’t like to venture outside my area too much mostly because I’m kind of particular about the people I date. I’ve only had three boyfriends, the first one being in college, not because I never had the opportunity, but because I’m just that particular.

This time though I thought…”what the hey…I don’t have to MARRY the dude” so I took the Leo dude from the other day up on an offer for a lunch date…

I just…I really tried…I did…but he’s just…not…me.

I mean, he’s easy on the eyes…dresses well…drives a bangin’ BMW Z3…and is clearly into me, but….he’s so….Leo-ish.

He’s exactly like this in pretty much every way:


He’s very outgoing, kinda showy (BMW Z3), talks your ear off…like I said the other day, I kind of find him exhausting…because I’m really chill and laid back. He’s like an eager puppy or…eager to please and eager for people to like him.

I was listening to him talk and I couldn’t stop myself from poking holes in everything he said. Of course I never said anything out LOUD, but he was saying all this BULL like:

He wants to pledge a grad chapter of a fraternity, and his main reason was because his chosen group was the most manly…he ruled other frats out due to their “gayness”…Alphas, Kappas…he didn’t even consider the others…

One of the first fraternal organizations was the military (?!?!?!)

He views Africa in a negative way…like he doesn’t claim it. He’s what someone I know would call a “Chocolate European” meaning that he really buys into the “assimilation creed.” (Success = money, materialism, what others think, being as “good” as the Caucasian Persuasions…it’s then that you know you’ve “made it”)

He was referring to the Alphas at his school as being “African” and saying it was an “African club” and that all freshman Ghanaians are future Alphas. He says Alphas join up just because of the “so called African history”…and that’sssssssss…bad? (Not to say that’s the ONLY reason they join, but you get my drift, right?)

He also refers to African American history as slavery…like we were just born here or something…

He was saying Ob.ama this and Ob.ama that, but he’s actually really conservative. I could tell through our conversations about homosexuality and religion and such. I sent him a link to this site where you take a quiz and see which presidential candidate you align with, and he got republicans…

Overall, it was like he would say something that made no sense and I would repeat what he’d say, then he’d totally change his story…which I find really annoying.

He really brought out my INTJ tendencies, let me tell you…

I don’t know why I’m so critical of this dude…the entire time I was with him I was ticking off reasons why I would never go “there” with him. It was like my mind was a computer, calculating the feasibility of a relationship…since he was being so aggressive about “courting” me.

My mother says I should “pull his chain” but I’m not like that. Leading people on is so wrong…and Karma is a beech.

I’m am proud of myself though that I’m not at all affected by beautiful “bougie” people with “money” and thangs…I will always require more substance.

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