Absolutely Horrible…


WARNING: This one is kind of graphic. Not for the faint of heart/stomach

I talked to my mother today. She was telling me about an accident that happened in Albany, Georgia earlier this week. Here’s the article.

And here’s what REALLY happened.

So the lady got out of her car on the expressway and she was hit. My neighbor’s brother in law and his friend pulled over to help her. She was still alive and was moaning in pain. One attempted to move her while the other tried to flag down oncoming traffic to slow down and/or stop since she was in the middle of the road.

I guess people didn’t see her or the friend trying to tell people to slow up and pay attention to where they were driving…

This woman…the most gruesome thing….

At least 20 cars ran over this poor woman…she was literally left in pieces on the highway.

My neighbor’s brother in law and his friend are of course in shock still from witnessing this first hand. I even had to keep myself from throwing up when I heard the story…part of me was mad that the people were SO BUSY trying to get to where they were going that that couldn’t take the time to slow down or even pay attention to obvious cars with emergency lights on…with people trying to flag people down…so selfish and heartless.

Are you in THAT much of a hurry?!

And then part of me…my heart goes out to the people who tried to help this woman and then witnessed her gruesome slaughter right before their eyes…

This world…sometimes…I just don’t know…

I guess…I just want to say, this was a very extreme example of what happens when you ignore people who are crying out for help…or if you’re just too caught up in your own stuff to realize what’s going on around you. Please take the time to slow down and notice what’s going on around you. It’s so easy to get caught up in work, school, or whatever else, but you are not the only person in your life. You have siblings, parents, friends, lovers, pets even…cherish those people…reach out to them…even strangers. You never know how much you can affect someone’s life with just a simple kind gesture….

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