Why are you so quiet?

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Double whammy just ‘cause im’mo be at home and will be taking a holiday from computers and cell phones (since neither has been discovered where the relatives live).

Someone mentioned today that I am really talkative around some people and then not at all around others.

I think it’s just because I’m more careful about what I say around people who don’t know me like that.

For instance. What if I’d gone up to that sagging Ray Ray I saw the other day and asked what was going through my mind when I saw him? (Which was, “does your penis ever slop out of your underwear and if it does, does it get chafed as it rubs against your oversized white tee.)

I mean, that would be startling, right? He might try to have me.

Or what if some person I was attracted to starting talking to me and I said what was really going through my mind? (One tiiiime…I was thinking about yooou.. and I imagined that I saw you in the hallway during claaaaass so I came out into the hallway, pushed you against the wall, and [bllllllllllllllllll llleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppp] . And it was good.)


Clearly all I would really be able to say is maybe my name and other monosyllable words before running away to avoid my brain getting a hold of my vocalizations.

‘Nah sayin?

That’s why I prefer to correspond with people in writing via aim and other… correspondence …things.

It gives me time to think about what I say. I’m really not as interesting in person as I am in writing…

…uh yeah maybe I’m just a bit cowardly.

But WHATEVA, WHATEVA, I do what I want!

I think, however, I’ve come a LONG way since freshman year. LOL the first few weeks of conversation with my boyfriend back then (we were equally shy) was comprised of 20 questions via AIM.

And forget talking in person?

I remember we had a jazz concert at the Ferst Center as our first date. Our first “outing” (if you can even call it that) was walking across campus to get tickets.

Could we have a conversation?


Still 20 questions.

But hey, it worked, and we grew. Once I’m past that reserved stage, I’m REAL outgoing with attractive people…

Maybe one day I can hold a conversation longer than 1 minute and 27 seconds with a person whose seed I wouldn’t mind propogating!

*sigh….one day

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  • February 11, 2007 at 9:49 pm

    I can sooooooooooo relate. I’m currently ‘talking to’ a new ‘friend’ and I promise I’ve only mastered at most a 15min convo before the dreaded dead air. One day, maybe one day, I’ll be able to do an hour!


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