Trying Some New Things


Trying something new…

It’s known I’m a planner.

I have contingency plans for my contingency plans…and want any and all information available to help make future decisions.

Details, details, details!

Such a way of going about things also means I’m a worrier of sorts.

The worrying is constructive in that I don’t I don’t just sit and wonder, I actively think of ways to address things.

But honestly, it creates the same kind of stress the non-constructive worrying does.

I’m really anxious about this week because the success of a lot of things depends on whether or not others do their jobs.

And to be real, I have a hard time trusting other people as most don’t do what they’re supposed to do the majority of the time.

The “if you want something done, you have to do it yourself” happens a lot more often than I’d like.

And also this. Onboarding several people and they can’t be billable/start work until this is fixed. 13 new dev projects due 1 September and my current staff is super busy which leaves…

…but you can only do so much by yourself.

And sometimes you have to let people feel pain, but that’s tough too when in the end it reflects back on you as a leader.

It’s your project/capability/reputation…you’re accountable for its success or failure…

A million things to think about.

That said, trying to cut out a lot of randomness this week.

1. Horoscope hobby stopped.

Deleted those apps from my phone (lol hey if it says “today will be a tough day,” it’s hard to not side eye the day starting out.)


I’ve been playing this game in my spare time. As you can imagine, it’s not exactly “fun”, but scratches the “goal oriented perfectionist” itch I have.

It totally represents my real life.

Gotta make the steak!

Gotta prep the shrimp!

This person wants a drink and a chicken fried steak!

Gotta batter the steak before someone asks for it so they don’t have to wait long!

If they don’t wait long, I’ll get a bigger tip and I can afford better equipment to do more work!


Nope! Delete! Delete! Delete!

3. More blogging, less tweeting.

Social media is always an interesting thing. It’s very…self-centered.

Blogging of course is too, but it takes a bit of work to go seek out what someone has to say.

Trying to return to a time where I wrote stuff down for me and not to be read by others…(though I appreciate readers, the blog was to document what was going on in life so I can learn and grow…the self-awareness/self-acceptance pillars thing).

I’ve a lot of stuff swirling in my head and need to get it out in a place I can really write it out…

And that’s not using multiple 140 character posts on twitter.


So we’ll start out doing those things.

I’m also still smarting from having my 3 day weekend Columbused by family…(was SUPER looking forward to having 3 days to myself after all the proposals and work being insanely busy, but instead it was mostly spent deep cleaning the house for yet another family visit, carting them to and from the airport, and making sure they had everything they needed.)

On call to go to my parents house this weekend too pending the status of The Knox. (Just realized I haven’t talked about her progress much. Will make a note to write about that this week). About 2k in expenses coming up soon to buy my tires and upholstery interior kit…

Time and Money….the two most expensive resources…and I’m burning through both…


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