The History of KaNisa


As I was waiting to fall asleep last night with the covers over my head so not to accidentally see something I’m not quite ready to see (see last entry) I realized something…

I have been blogging for almost seven years now!

It doesn’t seem that long ago when I first started. I was in my sophomore year of high school. I’d just moved to Mississippi and was attending private school for the first time. My first blog was “My Mind’s Eye” and the platform was Moonfruit, a flash site builder based out of the UK. For just $3.99 a month (or something ridiculously low like that), you can have your own flash website, and you didn’t have to know any flash to make it!

I stayed with moonfruit for about three years, up until my sophomore year of college. ..then I moved to Blogspot. This is when I got wind of Brutha Code, Listen to Leon, Bullet Proof Diva, Serenity 23, Beloved, and JustBreathe. This blog also has the most angst on it, lol. 2005 was a life changing year for me. It was the worst summer of my life because of family issues, it was the year of “he who shall not be mentioned” (from boyfriend to ex to someone else’s fiancée all in the span of four months), and it was the beginning of AKA which was an “experience” in itself. I was so glad when 2006 started, let me tell you, LOL…

Next up, for the better part of 2006, I was at Blogsome. I think 2006 was the year of female relationships. For the first time in life, I was friends with a pretty cool female group…they were my prophytes averaged about three years older than me and they were much like real sisters. We had some good times in room 1(9)08.

2006 was also the year of me dealing with females who are a bit younger than me. I usually hang out with older people just because I’m not really into what people my age are into (ie. going to parties, clubbing, getting tipsy on the regular, collecting phone numbers of dudes, etc.) This stems from my social group consisting of me and people over 50 (my parents) for much of high school since my sisters were gone. I guess my reluctance to accept the social customs of my age group put a lot stress between me and my ls’s since we didn’t have the same focus and motivations…yeah lots of drama there we still haven’t quite recovered from…but one day at a time I guess.

Fall of 2006, I finally got my own domain which is this here blog you see today. I think it was symbolic. It was the beginning of me shaking off the past and starting anew. Of course this transition continued throughout 2007… I was older, my focus wasn’t on what I wouldn’t do, but on what I ready or willing to do. I pretty much did everything I said I wouldn’t even try from eating vegetables to some other things…*cough…

It was also the year of GAM…which could lead to an entirely different entry, LOL. I will say this though, be careful what you wish for, you might just get it! J

My lesson of 2007: Learn to discern between your intuition and your insecurities. If you trust your intuition, you can never go wrong, but those insecurities can sabotage relationships!

I’ve been reading some of those older entries and it’s like reading someone else’s journal! I was SO bitter and angry! These days I definitely think I’m more mature than way back in the beginning when I was like “I ain’t never getting married! I’m going to be rich and be a jet setter! I’m going to adopt kids! I’m never having relations no one is worthy of this ‘na na’!” I think I’m older and wiser…of course I have some more growing up to do, but I’m pretty happy where I am.

It’s interesting though that my blogging has been a constant factor in my life for almost a decade. It’s seen me through half of high school, all of college, all my relationships, and most of my most important life experiences. The past 7 years (or more like 4 since that first website got deleted after I moved to blogspot) of my life have been documented on the internet somewhere…which is kind of cool. It’s also interesting that I have hardly any pictures from this time period…I guess to me, words are more important.

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Skee wee!


  • January 11, 2008 at 12:31 am

    Whew! Ok, I thought u were doing a sign off like brutha code *pours out some crown*

  • January 11, 2008 at 3:58 pm

    OH nooo…I’ll pobably be 82 and still be blogging…


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