The Articulating Poet


She says what I feel. My delusional side…

For the first time I’ve allowed someone , no you, to strip me of all my
confusion, all my doubt, all my fear of love
and life.
I am Naked. Butt naked. Yes naked and
Impressed with your ability to see me,
To see Me
through my private, lonely haze.
You touch me.
You feel me and make me tremble with the possibilities of
tomorrow, the next day, the next day and forever baby.
With you.
I feel my cloud cleared
my rain washing me.
With you
My flower blooms in December cold
With you
I lose mental chaos and regain tranquility.
You have my power and when I grow weary,
you replenish me.
With you
my angry ocean sits by placid easy calm
With you
I have become
My entire self.

Thank you.

~ Jill Scott

My realistic side…

My first love
My first kiss
M first experience
There have been others since
But still we sex
When I don’t have a love
Even when you might

You My constant
My anytime
My easy fix
You know me
Memorized the spell
You used when I was sixteen
Pull it from thin air
Whenever you’d like
What I do

Heat and passion
Bodies banging
Waves crashing
We kiss like we used to
We move and grind like we used to
We grip and hold
We inhibition free too
And then I remember
I’m not sixteen anymore.
– Jill Scott

That’s all.

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