State of Affairs


Just came back from lunch with a deprecated geek squad group.

We lamented our relationship progress…or whatever.

Different approaches :

Person 1 : White Male Age 35 (Note : no previous relationship or “relationship” experience) :

  • Maintains active accounts on multiple dating websites.
  • Chats up a few people a month with at least one dialog resulting in a date.
  • Has been doing this for at least a year

Person 2 : Black Female Age 30

  • Periodically joins dating websites for a period of 2-3 weeks a few times a year
  • Has matched with 3 people this year with at least one dialog resulting in multiple outings
  • 2 weeks post last outing, no current plans for additional outings

Person 3 : White Male Age 25

  • In a relationship with live in girlfriend
  • Country Club/Well connected frat boy type
  • Maintains active accounts on multiple dating websites
  • Chats up a few people a month with no dialogs resulting in dates
  • Has been in a relationship for several years

Person 4 : White Female Age 28

  • Maintains no accounts on dating websites
  • Chats up a few people a month with several dates
  • Country Club/Social sorority girl type
  • “Crazy” in the way dudes appreciate
  • Goes on vacation with some dates (different people)
  • Maintains a rotation for various reasons/usage

Persons 1 and 2 have issues getting dates in the first place. Both are loyal/supportive/non-drama types and are just looking for regular companionship. They also aren’t terrible looking.

Persons 3 and 4 have tons of opportinities for dates, a bit side eye-worthy loyalty wise, are looking for fun/come-uppance, would be considered “hot”.

I suppose perspective is what makes dating easier for some than others.

If you’re looking for a fun time where you get in where you fit in without out much forethought, that’s not too hard to find. I feel like that requires a level of “don’t give a fudge about others” though….

If you’re looking for a nice person that you respect and want to spend time with that you also want to bone. That requires a bit more consideration. Respect piece depends on the person. I’ve talked about my pillars at length so you know what that is for me. Summary though, that’s 100% about character with a side dish of evolutionary biology lust. Wouldn’t waste time with someone who doesn’t fit there out of respect for the person’s time.

For person 1, I truly feel like he’s casting too wide a net. He keeps going for chicks out of his league (not in the traditional sense, but he puts “hot girls” over ones he actually has things in common with). I tried to tell him to limit the scope, but then there’s the conundrum I get : Geeks girls are only cool in theory and not in practice. I’ve been told I’m cute/pretty and smart, but…that’s “boring”.

So here we are.

Person 1 : Is getting discouraged, but will continue to puruse dates. I’m putting him in touch with my life/dating coach person I tried out to focus him more.

Person 2 (me) : I care because it gets lonely sometimes, but not enough to expend effort. Work is my surrogate and I’m okay with that to be honest. It’s the world I know and am comfortable with. Going on dates and trying to find people to date is a lot of work…and I’d rather redirect that energy to something I know has returns. (60% true)

Subtext (The other 40%) : I’m afraid I’m going to be alone and won’t find anyone. I wonder if there’s something wrong with me sometimes. I wonder if people in relationships are really just settling for the most part. I wonder if there some amount of….something…or lack of something that allows people to be in relationships. I know at this point it is a choice to be single, but I really feel like I should be excited to be with someone…not that they’re exciting, but because I fully trust them and they want me because of who I am and not because of what I do for them.

Gross…people are weird.

Disregard all of these thoughts.

*Goes to a meeting


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