


It’s really interesting how your mind can float to a thought you had conveniently forgotten about and make you feel very uncomfortable in general…

Like people giving other people a rings of certain importance and that giver of the ring later giving another ring of EXTREME importance that’s a bit of a follow up to the first ring?

Yeah…that made me feel extemely uncomfortable earlier today…

I ‘m coming to realize a few other things as well.

A thing called a “soul mate.”

For a while I thought soul mates are those people that you marry and spend the rest of your life with, but I’m beginning to think otherwise. I think you can be soul mates with people of the same sex, people of the opposite sex, whoever. They’re like friends, but they’re a little more. It’s not romantic, but it’s on that same plane…

Let me explain by example.

I think I might have found my soul mate.

I care for this person, and even love them, but not necessarily in a way that a female loves a male, or at least not anymore. I think before I felt I loved this person this way, but now I believe I was confused.

Superfially, we extemely similar. Both have same character traits (although some are more repressed than others), similar hobbies, sense of humore, etx. I think if I were male, I would be exactly him. I kind of look up to him too. I think he’s admirable but human.

I care very deeply for this person and am extremely protective of them. They’re never far from my mind, I pray for them all the time, and we have these moments that are so coincidental I can’t help but think we’re connected somehow in a way deeper than normal friends are…like I’d be thinking of calling them and they’ll call or I’ll be sending a text and they’ll call or I’ll be doing something for some reason and they’ll be doing the same thing. Days or months could pass and once we’re in touch again it would be like we never stopped talking. This person always makes me feel better when I’m upset, and strangely, it’s like they always know when I’m particularly upset about something because every time I can think of when I was really depressed or angry or sad, they’d contact me somehow like clockwork.

So what does this mean? Do I expect anything out of this connection? No I don’t. I understand that what I feel for this person isn’t romantic, but it’s on that same level. It’s that deep, but it’s different. I can definitely say that at some point I was attracted to them the way a female is attracted to a male and there were some moments where that attraction was dealt with in a physical way, and I can say sometimes I have the desire for that kind of “dealing” to continue, but at the same time, I don’t think that’s really what I want. I think I just want some physical way to communicate with this person on the level of what I feel for them and being “romantically physical” is the only way I know of connecting with someone on a deeper level…

It would be so much less complicated if this person were…

I’ve thought about it for a while though. Before I couldn’t really define my feelings toward this person as we are now, but I think that’s really what it is. “Soul mates” or a really tight, protective, friend-like person.

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