


What a weekend!

So much drama, and it’s only Saturday afternoon!

It’s interesting. In the past two years it seems that I have learned SO MUCH in the realm of relationships.

I’ve been the person with unrequited love (SEVERAL times).
The recipient of love like I did not requite (is that a word?!)
I’ve been the cheated woman.
I’ve been the other woman.
And most recently, I am the lucky woman…

I feel SO BAD about a recent situation because I have seen the other side (first scenario)more times than I would care to. I almost even want to back off to save people’s feelings, but I’ve waited too long and been through too much to not accept this blessing and develop it.

I swear though, the key to a successful relationship is: COMMUNICATION!

If you don’t have that, you don’t have anything but mass confusion.

For the record just to clarify, I, KaNisa [insert last name here] am in a relationship.

Some might even say I have a boyfriend.

The conversations have been had. Bonds have been made. Shouting from the rooftops, I have been blessed with the awesome opportunity to share my life with an amazing guy.

I suppose the most recent situation is partially our fault for not telling anyone else about it. It’s like how would any interested people know if we didn’t tell anyone or were not out about it?

I’m so sorry. I apologize deeply to anyone that might have been hurt. I understand completely and do not harbor any bad feelings at all.

I hope that we can all take it as a lesson and learn from it.

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God was a Tre.


  • April 14, 2007 at 4:49 pm
    One of 3 people who knows what P! means

    P!!! LOL…I figured from your earlier post about this AMAZING guy that the only reason you’d be so “open” about that is because there was something semi serious going on. Congratulations and P!

  • April 14, 2007 at 11:29 pm

    I think you two make an AMAZING couple…

  • April 15, 2007 at 11:23 am

    Congrats! And you got it girl: communication is key! Be blessed!


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