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Graduation was a not so happy time for me for multiple reasons…

See, if you remember, I was a bit worried about a certain class by the name of Biology.

Tests, were rough, studying wasn’t helping, and the professors were unforgiving.

I had taken it pass/fail as it is traditionally a hard class and I didn’t want the grade mucking me up…but it was still proving to be a worthy opponent.

Then 16 hours worth of classes is no picnic during a regular semester much less during the summer…

So my happiness about graduating was pending my grades coming in.

So how about…

Not only did I pass Biology (by the skin of my teeth, but like I said, I took it pass/fail to avoid that impacting my GPA)

I made the mother fluffing Deans List.

Yeah I said it!

16 hours and I got a 3.25!

They said it couldn’t be done? Well take that beeches!

The funny thing is though, I certainly feel that I could have tried a lot harder in all my classes, I about had a heart attack when I saw my grades, because I know that I didn’t earn them…

I know that those grades were a miracle from God himself…it was completely his doing.

So now, I have to make a testimony.

When you pray and have faith that God will make a way for you. Not only will he grant your wish, he will take to a whole ‘nother level.

I was just praying that I’d pass Biology, but He allowed me to earn the grades to make the DEAN’S LIST!

So here’s the scripture. Everyone write it down and BELIEVE!

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever AMEN!” Ephesians 3:20

Shoot, this year, I got me a wonderful boyfriend, I graduated from college despite family drama, AND I got the group of friends I’ve been wanting since as long as I can remember…no limit to what He can do…

. . .

Can You get me a job next please? I mean…I know you’ve done so much already, but since you’re willing to bless me…you know…I’d appreciate a hook up… ;)

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The Job Search

1 Comment

  • August 8, 2007 at 2:31 pm

    Congrats on graduating! God is good! Faith is a wonderful thing. I got 3 full semesters left, I’ll be 24 when I’m set free from college *shrug* Oh well! lol I’m sure with tha abundance of skill per the earlier post, you’ll be attractive to the work world, just keep praying!:-)


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