National Society of Black Elitists


Okay well not really…

But man engineers are so pompous! And Black ones are 10 times worse.

Or maybe I’m just letting my feelings speak for me, but it really seems that way. Every year I tell myself I’m not doing NSBE, and yet somehow, I always think it’ll get better and participate anyway. This whole conference is really discouraging though. You could be the most talented person, and they still won’t want you.

Other than conference things though, I guess things have been okay.

They snuck me into the 21 and up area…I was opposed to the idea as they were carding, but I once again employed my roommate’s license and got in okay. Met lots of old school omega’s from my school, one of which said he was trying to talk to one of my sorors back in 1990. He said she was beautiful, but he was messing around with a couple of girls at the time so she didn’t pay him any mind. He was excited to see that we were K’s from Tech and asked if we knew her, which we did. He was all excited and gave us his card with a personal message written on the back for her. We called and told her about him and she said and I quote,

“I don’t know that nigga.”

Most gorgeous person in the world if you see her, and she really keeps it real.

It’s really strange to see companies sponsor “hospitality suites.” IBM had uncensored rap and free flowing free alcohol. Maybe 70% of the people there were drunk, including employees and recruiters. It was kind of comical. I’m sure it would be awkward if you got sloppy drunk with a recruiter and then turned around tried to get them to hire you the next day.

I’m so hungry now…haven’t eaten all day and it’s 11 PM. I think I’ll bite the bullet and get some room service to make me feel better.

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