My Ultimate Mix CD

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Or things I WILL do before I die.

Listening to Paul Hardcastle. I really love smooth jazz.

Every time I hear this kind of music, I always get a strange combination of feelings. I feel like I’m in another world almost, and somehow psychic, like this music will be playing during at a very important time in my life or it’ll play when I’m with an incredible person that can’t even be described in words …

Maybe that’s what it is, maybe it articulates what I want to be in the future. Maybe it reminds me that there is someone out there that is completely amazing and thinks I’m completely amazing too. Maybe it represents my mature self at a time when I am completely satisfied with just being me. All I know is that I can’t wait until the time all these feelings are current and not a foreshadowing for the future…

Here are some specific albums that take me there…

The Jazzmasters III | Paul Hardcastle | Vacationing with “The One”

Bora BoraBora Bungalow

Listening to this CD, I always imagine being somewhere exotic. I’ve always wanted to go to a tropical island, but not one that everyone goes to. When I do go, I’m doing it big and I’m going with “Him.” By that time, we’ll be married. We’ll take a trip in November sometime to the South Pacific, maybe somewhere like Bora Bora. We’ll stay on the ocean (literally) in a bungalow and spend all day watching the ocean, relaxing, and enjoying each other’s company. The images of this place are so beautiful, I know just being there would be an incredible experience….

Collaboration | George Benson & Earl Klugh | Driving along a coastline with "The One"

Big Sur CA HWY 1It’s that time just before sunset. It’s November. The sky is painted in brilliant autumn colors, the temperature is a warm 80 degrees, and I’m in my drop top’s passenger seat cruising Cali’s Big Sur scenic highway with "Him" as my chauffeur through paradise. We’ve got Collaboration Blasting and we’re just driving to no where in particular, sometimes stopping to take pictures, sometimes chatting about the secrets of life, or even discussing what will be doing as we hobble around together at the age of 90.  Finally, once the sun sets, we will find a secluded beach somewhere, pull of the road, and "dot dot dot"…*smile

In The Zone | Wayman Tisdale | Condo, Whistler Vancouver BC

I think this picture explains things well enough….

after a day of competition on the slopes of course! ;)

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  • […] a related note, that Collaboration CD…I just remembered, that CD is one of my “secrets of KaNisa” CD. It’s my #1 favorite and most sentimental CD in my collection, because it’s […]


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