My liiiifffe…

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This is going to be me complaining. You can skip it if you like. Actually I’d prefer it if you do.

My life is just too much to handle. I’m spreading myself WAY to thin this semester. I really want to disappear from earth for a week AT LEAST…

I swear if one more person emails me about the status of something, I’m going to step out in front of the Stinger without thinking twice about it. It’s as if people think I’m a super person that can manage being a president of greek council, hold five million AKA offices, sit on regional committees for AKA, meet with administration, mentor high school girls, design websites and graphics within a reasonable amount of time AND sit with people for hours to teach them how to use computers!


I used to think I wanted to just be a career woman and stay busy doing work and not have time for much else, but man, it’s only January, and I’m already drowning.

Usually to escape, I would design something to articulate my feelings (ie. New blog designs, etc.) but I really don’t have time for that. I would “go out” or something, but I don’t have time for that either AND I find that more tiring than anything. Sleep used to be the great neutralizer…but these days my dreams are very literal predictions of how the following day would go (ie. Dreaming about going to back to back classes, work, meetings with administration and clients, meeting (or not meeting) design deadlines, etc…)

And FORGET homework. All that is done in a scheduled time during the weekend.

My poor 360 is collecting dust too…

I need fun! I need no responsibility! I want to be about ME for just a day…

To be honest, I don’t even know what I would consider to be “fun” anymore…

If you’re not involved in anything, ENJOY your life…being a student leader is WAY over rated…

AND I’m not getting paid for any of it?!

F this…I want credit hours…someone tell me “good job!” something!!!

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In a Perfect World…

1 Comment

  • January 25, 2007 at 9:06 pm

    Its great that you have established yourself as a student leader, but I can understand if you feel you’ve spread yourself too thin. Sometimes you just have to say “no” and not feel guilty about it. Or prioritize and give people reasonable times when you can do what they would like you to do. I definitely admire all that you do and wish I had the chutzpah to be active in a variety of things. You seem so much more well rounded because of it. But yeah take some down time before you allow yourself to breakdown. And let’em now that hey you aren’t superwoman and can’t do it all cause you just have to make time for YOU!
    You remind me of Ranada in a way. She is always into stuff and doesn’t seem to ever get tired. And whenever I ask her how she does it, she says its because she sets strict priorities and plans her time a a T. And I don’t think she is ever too void of social outings. good luck!


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