I Have Questions


So like I said, not a ton to report about Drago.ncon.

Wasn’t able to go to any panels this year despite planning on it and arriving at least an hour beforehand for them. They didn’t have the “line starts an hour before the panel” rule anymore. They either cut the line or it was literally going outside the hotel and around the block.

Generally just hung out in my costume/cosplay and took pictures/had my picture taken.

(Difference being that the Assassin one was the costume, and the Jade was the cosplay…wearing clothes vs becoming the character.)

One thing I keep thinking about though is this picture.

No so much the me part, but the Wolverine cosplayer part.

Something about him in this picture makes me uncomfortable in a way I’ve hardly ever felt.

It’s really hard to look at.

Not like relational I don’t think…

I don’t really understand what that feeling is.

In person it was just “Cool! He looks like Wolverine for real!”

But that picture…it just…something. I can’t put my finger on it.

I got a similar feeling when I was backstage at the Childish Ga.mbino concert back in April.

It’s like a creepy/unsettling feeling…like somehow dangerous?

I don’t know…

Not rapey…

I don’t think…

That’s a harsh word…


I don’t know…

I’m bad expressing my feels.

Definitely embodied the character though…

Here’s the “real” Wolverine as portrayed by Hu.gh Jack.man. Cosplayer was almost more Wolverine than THE Wolverine!


Final report re: the Ab/Squat Challenge.

Again, nixed the ab part…didn’t really need help there, but I gained .5 inches on the right thigh, .4 on the left, and .5 on the hips measurement!

I’d say it was pretty successful!

I don’t know about keeping it going to the full 30 days though, lol it was just for this…

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  • September 4, 2014 at 12:02 am

    It is a bit disturbing. He looks like Wolverine’s creepy twin. He could only find work as a heel in a small professional wrestling promotion.

    • September 4, 2014 at 1:17 pm

      Really really good job. Actually a lot of the Wolverines I saw looked were good, but this guy seemed like he just put the claws on and was done.


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