Hope Chest Entry #4


Saw Tyrone Biggums on the trolley this morning. He had a can of red Balls Bull and everything.

In other news…

Not too much going on in the world of KaNisa as of late. I’ve had a couple of blog worthy moments, but they were very “heal the world” –ish and these entries have been too heavy lately. It’s time to be superficial.

I think it’s time for, that’s right…

A new hope chest entry.

For the uninformed, traditionally, a hope chest is something a female receives in preparation for a potential wedding day. One usually collects linen and things, but I ‘ve adapted this idea to create my own “chest” if you will; one that is an idea pool/tangible collection of things for the next relationship AS WELL AS post wedding…marriage…lol

Today’s entry: Encounters by KaNisa

So, I’m a pretty unique person and that’s reflected in everything I do. Dinner and a movie is good and well, but I really enjoy those kinds of outings that are out of the ordinary. For example:

Encounter #1: Musical Appreciation

Personal Appeal: If you know me, you know that I am music’s lover (as well as Krispy Kreme’s lover, but that’s another story.) I love discovering new music and have recently really gotten into Neo Soul.

Relationship Stage: Level I – “Getting to Know You”
Cost: < $15 Ambience: Cozy, low lighting, sophisticated yet intimate Premise: Invite friend over. Tell them to bring 15 songs. 10 must not be syndicated on the radio, and the remaining 5 can be popular, but not current. Also, tell them to bring their favorite drink. Listen to music while drinking and discussing various topics. Allow alcohol to run its course and proceed with caution. Rationale: This encounter must occur early in the “getting to know you” phase as when time goes by, the chance for “hand on booty” detailed events are more likely to occur. (ie. initally it could be 90% intellectual 10% H.O.B. later the percentages tend to shift toward HOB).Encounter #1 participants MUST have an intellectual state of mind. It’s essentially about learning about the other person’s mind, not learning about their privates. Encounter #2: Cultural Appreciation Day Trip

Personal Appeal: I’m amazed about the variety of cultures within Black America and enjoy learning about them. People have no idea how much history is around. Some of the oldest relics in Black American history reside just a few hours away.

Relationship Stage: Level II – More than a friend/less than a “friend”

Cost: < $70 Location: Savannah, GA Premise: Collect friend in the morning (say 7 AM) and travel to Savannah. Once there, Lunch at Clary’s café (though it looks shady, it’s a locals only kind of place with good food). Take the “African Influence” tour and visit the First African Baptist Church in (the oldest black church in North America!) Also go for the Hollywood tour and see the famous “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” locations. Have dinner at a restaurant along the Savannah River, take a walk through a couple of the (21) squares and head back home. Rationale: Though I recommended spending an entire weekend in Savannah due to all the things that are there (never complete without one of the Ghost tours as it is the most haunted city in America), Encounters by KaNisa are supposed to be affordable. Also, as this is a stage II encounter, “hand on booty” detail opportunities should be minimal. An extended version of this encounter would be Level III.

Encounter #3: Nature Apreciation

Personal Appeal: Not many people know this about me, but I LOVE nature. From doing yard work to sloshing through the Ebola River in Africa, (okay not really but I would) I love working with the earth and am so enlivened by it.

Relationship Stage: Level III – “Established Relationship”

Cost: < $50 (depending on your resources. It can be considerably more or less) Location: Nature Reserve; National/State Park; Other Remote natural areas Premise: Collect partner and contune on to remote natural area. Require hiking to get to the actual camping site to get to somewhere even more remote. No cell phones or anything that is an outlet to the outside world. Live off nature (fishing, flint to stat fires, etc.) When night falls, find creative ways to keep each other warm. WHAT?! SAY SOMETHING! I DARE you… Rationale: Nature has a way of humbling you. It also has the ability to make you feel as if you are the only person on earth. Imagine sharing that humbling experience with a person you REALLY care about…it could be sublime. It is required, however, that both people know how to survive in nature. (Channel those girl scout/boy scout/ campfire girl days!) These are but samples of the caliber of KaNisa encounters floating around in my head. Next I just need..you know…a male, lol.. Finally, since my computer access will be limited, I would like to wish you all a lovely and safe Thanksgiving! And to my fellow Tech students: Don't send my boy to MIT The dying mother said, Don't send my boy to Emory I'd rather see him dead, But send my boy to Georgia Tech 'Tis better than Cornell. And as for the University of Georgia I'd rather see him in hell! To hell, to hell to hell with Georgia, To hell, to hell to hell with Georgia, To hell, to hell to hell with Georgia, The cesspool of the South! Mine eyes have seen the glory Of the stomping of the Dogs We will teach the poor dumb farmboys They should stick to sloppin' hogs When the Jackets are triumphant There will be a mighty cheer We'll do the same next year! To hell, to hell to hell with Georgia, To hell, to hell to hell with Georgia, To hell, to hell to hell with Georgia, The cesspool of the South! On the Field between the hedges There arose a mighty stench, In the Dogs' machine the engineers Had thrown a monkey wrench. When the Jackets are triumphant We will raise a mighty yell, Them Dogs can GO TO HELL! To hell, to hell to hell with Georgia, To hell, to hell to hell with Georgia, To hell, to hell to hell with Georgia, The cesspool of the South! Mine eyes have seen the glory Of the N.C. Double-A They're investigating G.A. players To see how much they're paid After counting all the cars And the loans Alumni made, They out pay the NBA. To hell, to hell to hell with Georgia, To hell, to hell to hell with Georgia, To hell, to hell to hell with Georgia, The cesspool of the South! GO JACKETS!

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