



I think I’m getting better with the whole sarcasm thing. Now I’m more straight forward and just say exactly what’s on my mind rather than talking around things…

So I’m going to take this time to say what’s on my mind right now.

1. I don’t like happy people.

Like the types who laugh a lot and are just always jolly…they annoy the HAIL out of me…makes me want to kill their dog or something.

Actually, I’m just thinking of a certain person I don’t like.

She’s a Becky. I remember I went to dinner with her once. It was a busy place and the waitress had forgotten to bring her appetizer.

Her response:

“Oh my God! What’s going on?! Why haven’t we gotten our appetizer? Did they get theres?! That’s not fair! We were here first!”

She looked around in a blank “I’m being victimized” sort of way, but when the waitress came back, she doesn’t say a word about her lack of food.

That is one of my biggest annoyances…people who complain about things and do nothing about it… I lost friends with a lot of people in high school because of that.

2. I HATE patronizing people.

PLEASE talk to me like I’m an adult. Telling me what I should do or what I’m not or whatever in a condescending way drives me absolutely crazy.

(ie. Oh you don’t have a job lined up yet? You haven’t been using your network. You should be like (me/other people I think you should model yourself after) and do this….)

Uh, thanks for that. Please don’t try to advise me if you don’t know me. Of course I use my network, I’m not stupid. If I want your opinion I’ll ask for it, thanks.

(Can’t you tell I’m a bit angry today, lol…oops sarcasm…)

3. I don’t like DuBois type people.

Now I bet you’re like what KaNisa?! DuBois was a great man!


From what I’ve read of him, though he did a lot of admirable things, he was a bit like Alice Ruth Moore and nem. (Though he was down for the cause, he didn’t actually associate himself with the people he was supposedly down for).

These people are all over academia…and as much as I hate to say it, ESPECIALLY among BGLO’s. We’re all black. And we’re all niggah’s in people’s eyes so nobody should try to act like they’re better than anyone else.

(Though I tease the Ray Ray’s and Aquafina’s of the world all the time, I’m also out there working with them so they can be more well rounded and see outside the world they were born into.)

I’m beginning to encounter more and more people who only associate with those who are as driven as they are. While that’s good to keep yourself motivated, it doesn’t make you a better person.

Alright I think I’m done drinking my haterade…

I think it’s now time for…


1. I don’t like happy people
subtext: I’m jealous they’re so satisfied with life

2. I hate patronizing people
subtext: I have some deep seated control issues that make me take offense to people who try to control/have athourity over me.

3. I don’t like DuBois type people.
I’m turned off by people who are extreme with DuBois tendencies because it makes me recognize that I have some myself.

*end subtext filter…


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