Closed mouths don’t get fed


Tweeted deez…

@foreverchildish Any news if our guy will be in Atlanta for the BET Awards taping this weekend? Cyphers? Etc?
@scottydigital taught me that throwing hail marys sometimes works…

Thinking about the opportunity disparities between men and women…and between minorities and non-minorities.

Example #1

Had a conversation with a co-worker about how people of color fare at our client/company. It seems that a good number of people who have been let go have been Black…and it’s not because they weren’t capable, it’s because they didn’t understand the unspoken rules of consulting…or how to navigate the corporate world. It’s that when people ran into trouble, they didn’t ask for help…and things piled up until it became too much. It’s a general lack of initiative and expecting people to have your back. They don’t.

For the younger people, it was simply an issue with entitlement…them thinking they deserve things though they didn’t put in the work  or develop relationships that actually get people those opportunities. My dad always said promotions are earned from 6 PM at 6 AM…and that time isn’t always related to work. Yeah my social circle is mostly white nerd guys from work…but networking with that circle got me the opportunity to sell my capability alongside senior company reps in a brand new sector we’re trying to grow into…

Example #2

Thought about my new friend from the festival I went to…she’s been backstage tons of times. Not because she was pretty, or young, or anything really…it’s because she asked.

That’s it.

She just asked.

And was successful in getting what she wanted 75% of the time.

She was a white 40 something older lady.

Example #3

Another co-worker of mine became the webmaster for a popular R&B star.

Again, not because he had any connections…he just went to her website. Saw that it needed to be redone, and submitted a design.

He now has direct access to her and her people, and he manages her web presence.

Black male.

Example #4

Finally, one more person I work with. Regular joe schmoe kinda white guy. His wife is an absolutely gorgeous Black/Native American (for real) woman that’s 10 years younger than him. At work he’s definitely on the more aggressive side when getting people to do what he wants…and I have a feeling that he WENT AFTER that woman in the same way.

Again, I feel like though there may be some racist/sexist reasons why people can’t entrench themselves in whatever they’re trying to get into, I don’t know that it’s really that, or the culture/socialization of the individual. Women aren’t really encouraged to push for things…which could be a reason why they don’t get paid as much. Same for minorities, maybe trying to be careful not to offend…and missing out on opportunities because they didn’t press the issue  or even seek them out…

That said, the first tweet was an attempt to get an answer and/or prompt them to look into whether or not pseudo husband was coming here for the awards. A direct tweet would be the way of me REALLY trying to get an answer, but I doubt I could get through the thousands he gets all the time…

Though I did get a tweet favorited by a guy he hangs with a lot…and a conversation with a secondary related person the other day…

Well at least I have no probs doing this in work life. Just the outside of work life i need to be a bit more forecful with…


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  • September 23, 2013 at 8:46 pm

    I agree with all of this. There seems to be this mindset in the young Black professional community that if the other person that you want something from doesn’t look like you, then they can’t help you. Or rather, it won’t be easy to just ask because “obviously you will be treated differently because of your skin color.” This is such a misconception.

    As I always say it, I think more Black people put the emphasis on race in the business world than non-Black people. If you are focused on a goal (professional or wealth-driven) then, NOTHING should stop you.

    • September 24, 2013 at 12:30 am

      Exactly. I’m totally aware of what to do to move up in the firm….or even to catch a dude that I want to keep. It’s all about priorities, knowing your strengths, and working/networing to make it happen.


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