Back to life. Back to reality.


For the most part, I was able to take a break! It’s a little weird to be back after two weeks, but here we are.

Thankfully, work seemed to slow considerably last week. That last surge before the holiday was the most (a 60+ email day), but they fell off A LOT after that.

So I can actually ease back into things for a day or two at least. Which is nice.

Random things :

  • Binged on a few shows and watched movies last week for escapism.
    • Je.ssica Jone.s (N.etflix) – She’s very human. The villain is understandable, but yipes on his abilities. Appreciated this adult Mar.vel series.
    • Dared.evil (Netflix) – Didn’t enjoy this one as much as Jess.ica Jone.s, but it’s in the same universe.
    • Bl.ack Mi.rror (Netflix) – Pretty easy to see why I’d be into this one. It’s a series of unrelated vignettes about creative uses of technology set in the near future. This series is VERY dark. The pilot alone turned my stomach…but I burned through this series in less than a day and would watch them again.
    • Jan.e the Vir.gin (Netflix/Hulu)- Probably the only more positive show I watched.
    • Ch.i-ra.q (Amazon Prime) – This one was fun. At first I was like o_O but the movie settled after a while. I liked the messages and Te.yonah Pa.ris?! (Yaaas hunty!). Joh.n Cusack’s monologue was greatness also.
    • Perfect Stranger (Amazon Prime) – My mother made me. I hate these kinds of movies personally…and they reinforce her Nancy Grace fears. (Like she wants me to be married, but is afraid of me dating, seriously.)
    • Sta.r War.s : For.ce Awakens – Finally saw this yesterday. I enjoyed! And had a very strange attraction to Kylo Re.n…but only when his helmet was on. I will think about why later.
  • No plans for resolutions
    • I guess some sort of effort should be made so that I’m not at the end of 2016 with no progress in my personal life. I’m not sure what I want to happen in my personal life though that could be planned out with milestones and things. Technically, I guess I could work toward having a dude, but in general, having one isn’t hard. Having one I really just like and who really likes just me is the hard part.
    • Travel is whatever. I’m not keen on traveling alone anymore, at least on the grander scales. The St. Lucia trip was kind of depressing. I don’t find empowerment in doing such things…and it’s not about not being okay alone, I am that way 99% of the time. It’s just that I’m already VERY well versed in experiencing things without other people around. A new experience for me would be sharing it with others.
    • I’m not depressed or anything, but it’s hard for me to imagine what I want my life to be like. People make vision boards and things, and I’m like…I really don’t know what I would put on mine. My dreams reflect this also. I haven’t been able to have a lucid dream in months. Not even the kind where you direct the actions, I just almost always knew when I was dreaming before. I don’t really have those “daydreams that are fun to think about” anymore either. One I used to have was ruined by the reality of meeting them (they were totally fine! I just can’t fantasize about people I’ve met.) The lottery one isn’t really unique…and also, that’s SUPER unlikely to happen. I can’t even fantasize about what it would be like to be in love or be loved. It just doesn’t seem realistic.

I don’t know… maybe I am depressed? That just seems like a strong word.

Or I’m just not sure how to be hopeful…that’s not the right word either…I’m not optimistic?

…it’s like I have a mental block or something…

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