Wait, what?


What do you bring to relationships besides what you do for the other person?

Life coach asked me this today. The question did not compute.


Support them, pump them up, feed them (literally and spiritually), maybe have relations…

That’s what you’re supposed to do, right?

I’m not sure I know how to answer…we’re supposed to talk about it again next week.

She asked me what my ideal dude would be like…and I said something along the lines of…

“I’d be their stabilizer. They’d be all busy and stressed and whatevered at work, but when they got home, I’d bring them back neutral so they could go out and face the world again.”

Basically what I want for me.

And also the very stuff I said I didn’t want someone to rely on me for…because I got overburdened in most of my past relationships by taking on their stuff.

She asked “what if he doesn’t have all that stress or problems for you to neutralize.”

Again… does not compute.

Aren’tĀ people who don’t have stuff to neutralize people who aren’t pushing themselves?

Either that, or they’re the unicorns who actually have work life balance going on.

Is it possible to do that and still beast your career?

I don’t know how to just be and not solve problems or find solutions….

I feel like I have to actively provide value to be useful, but apparently that’s not what love is about? Or not a useful trait for relationships?

I’m confused…


I really just want to have a fulfilling careerĀ that pays well, a husband who has the same, 2.5 kids, a dog, a big yard with a flat fenced back yard for camping…

And a partridge in a pear tree.

This life coach thing is tougher than I thought…


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