

So I’m kind of conflicted…

I have an internet crush on a gay person. What’s up with that?

A few weeks ago, I saw a link to a person by the name of B Scott. I saw one video, and after one “…you, you, you, yuuuallll” my heart was taken. It’s so strange he’s kind of feminine, but his masculinity is undeniable sometimes.

“Hey e-baller…” Hysterical! But I’m really kind of confused right now…

I think this attraction could stem from:

His undeniable confidence
His 100% Realness
His positivity
His pretty girl/attractive male androgynous look

What does this say for my sexuality though?! LAWD!

In related news…

People were quite conversational in the office today. My office mate randomly described the people I’ve had relationships with to an uncanny accuracy just from me telling him that I’m the youngest of three siblings. He said that I either date the oldest sibling of a family, or a person who is the same amount of years between me and my next oldest sister (4 years). That is 100% correct. GAM was the oldest, “he who shall not be mentioned” was the youngest but 4 years older, and my first boyfriend was the oldest in his family as well.

Here are my experiences which were right on the money,

The oldest dating the youngest.

“This relationship is an excellent combination. First-born can teach last-born how to be better organised and that there are times when life must be taken seriously. The last-born teaches the first-born that it’s okay to have fun once in a while.”

Completely true! I’ve written that this was the kind of relationship I had with GAM…

Same deal with my first boyfriend. Really serious and studious Pre-Med guy…

The youngest dating the youngest.

last borns together can make for a wonderfully playful relationship, but eventually each partner may look to the other to take control of things—and nobody wants to take the control!

On the money once again! We had TONS of fun, but the relationship was always a bit superficial.

Put it to the test. How accurate is the birth order theory ?


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One Last Thing…


  • January 8, 2008 at 11:06 am

    KaNisa….I love me some B.Scott. “Love Muffins” “What in the monkey doodle hell?”


    It’s the flawless skin.

  • January 8, 2008 at 3:46 pm

    He’s splendiferous!

    It’s amazing how he switches genders back and forth throughout the beginning of that video too…


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