This thing called dating


Had a conversation with my sister tonite.

The subject of “dating” came up. We both had different definitions of what such a thing was.

I think a date is a prearranged excursion with a person of the target sex with the intention to get to know them better and/or spend time with them. Once you’re in a relationship though, prearranged outings are no longer dates, they’re just outings.

She thinks a date is a prearranged excursion that falls within the confines of a committed relationship. When non-committed it’s just an outing.

By my definition, I can count the amount of dates I’ve been on with one hand, and of those, all but one became a boyfriend at some point.

My sister, on the other hand, has been on countless dates, (though she does not consider them to be so). I believe she is completely oblivious to males showing interest in her. She’s the type where he could be professing his love to her and she’d be like, “alright thanks for dinner bye…” with absolutely no clue of dude’s obvious intentions.

WHICH by the way…

I recently discovered that while she dated a member of the Stephens family, she met Mr. John Legend’s older brother Bumper at an Easter function.




I was like….

“are you kidding me?!”

Unfortunately now her ex is getting married. Too bad…we all could have been one happy family…


What is the purpose of dating?

I suppose everyone has their own agendas from scoping out people for booty calls to analyzing someone for future marriage.

I think my dating partners are few only because I don’t date for no reason. Not to say that you can tell if someone is marriage material right off, but if you’re not at a certain level initially, then I’m not wasting my time. I just met you? No thank you. Thought I was cute and want my phone number? Sorry. Ghetto Ray Ray? HAIL naw.

My sister “dates” to get to know people. Think she’s cute? Take her to dinner! Saw her in the store? Let’s grab some Popeyes! Heard about her from a friend? Set it up! Let’s go!

It’s interesting though because though our methods are different, are results are the same. Despite her extensive dating experience, she’s only had a few more relationships than I have (and she’s 6 years older) and none of them lasted. In fact, our last relationships were very similar…especially how they ended…(alas!)

We are both intellegent (she’ll be a pediatrician in May and I’ll be a graduate of a prestigous engineering school in August!) asthetically pleasing (she has substantial chestage and we are both cute!) black women.

It makes me wonder: what is the correct way to date? Or at least, how can one do so and get some results?

It would be nice to have a steady person to pay for dinner for a meaningful and giving relationship.

I’ve got lots of stress that can be defused with the help of various activities. . .

. . .

I mean…you know…museums, day trips, or other fun things…

not those other activities….after all, I’m an angel 0:)

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