Needles in haystacks


A lot of people say that a good man is hard to find, but I don’t think that’s necessarily the case. I think the saying should be refined to be, “a good [single] man [that you would be attracted to] is hard [more difficult than it should be] to find [because most of them have been scooped up by women lucky enough to find them].”

I can think of plenty of guys who are fantastic boyfriends/husbands. They are attractive, attentive, affectionate, empathetic, loyal, devoted, yet still very masculine. Their ages span from 23 to 60 or so…I even know some of them personally…go to school with them, are related to them. Unfortunately I never the catch non-related ones in range when they’re single.  LOL every time I see them I’m like MMPH, Mmph, mmph…your girl better not slip because plenty are ready to take her place…

Their partners are the luckiest women in the world though…in most cases, I can’t even hate.

Of course I think if I ever got a guy like that I don’t know what I’d do with myself. To be the object of affection for someone who is attentive, affectionate, AND loyal yet still lets you have your space? Someone who is attractive but still only has eyes for me? Someone who will stand up for me and be truly comforting instead of dismissive or evasive?

Man…I’d be like “these are my ovaries. Please come inside.” LMAO.

It makes me extra angry though when females have this kind of boyfriend/husband, but they don’t appreciate them. They treat them badly, cheat, do everything but what they should be doing when in a relationship. Sometimes I’m like WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! Especially when the dude stays with them regardless of how they’re treated…

…and they are “fine.”

For shame. Send them to me, shoot. I’ll keep them occupied…

 P.s. I really want to see this movie… Haven

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  • September 6, 2006 at 8:48 am


  • September 6, 2006 at 1:36 pm

    I totally agree! The best men always seem to be IN my family..not fair! And I have seen sista’s do the good men wrong and it makes me wanna slap a heffa! Annnd LOL @ “these are my ovaries. Please come inside.”


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