Milkshakes & Bacon


 Sorry, I’d saved this as a draft…didn’t realize it was posted…

 I’m going to defer to Brutha Code today. Everyone go read his entry.

He says it’s possible to love two people at the same time. I’m not so sure about that personally. Love is a pretty serious emotion. I know, personally, it takes me forever to get there and when I DO get there, nobody else really comes on my radar. I mean if I had a boyfriend and Michael Ealy paraded in front of me half naked and willing to pleasure me all night long, I would pretty much look right through him as if he didn’t exist.

It’s that serious to me.

I don’t know if it’s just me being an extremely loyal type of person or what, but I really can’t understand how someone could be in love with two people. I’m not sure if it’s even possible…maybe some people are confusing love with lust. If it’s really something people do, it seems that would be incredibly selfish, especially when they act on both relationships.

Like BC said, the best thing to do in that situation is not even TRY to have both the milkshake and the bacon together. Pick the bacon, and never EVER entertain the milkshake again. Shoot…don’t even drink milk!

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