Managing People for Peak Performance


Doing some training to help me better manage my team. I’m finding that a lot of the techniques we’re learning could easily transfer to just life in general…meaning “managing” doesn’t just mean “being in charge of a group of people” but really just how to deal with different personalities.

Some things of note :

This is an interesting concept that mostly combines common ideas. So important to seriously consider any feedback you get and be humble enough to realize that maybe you ARE communicating signals you aren’t aware of…or even realize that feedback is there to help you because that blind spot can be debilitating. So important to have people you trust around to help make that square smaller.

It also really is the case that perception is reality. You may think one way, but if you aren’t proactive about communicating your thoughts and ideas, the buck will never get to start as it will always stop with you.

Performance = skill x will

What would you rather have? Someone who has the skills but doesn’t have any motivation to demonstrate them, or someone who is eager and ambitious, but doesn’t have the right skills?

It’s sometimes hard to motivate someone…and not everyone can be trained to fit a need.

(Not sure how to address this. Our homework assignment is to read a Harvard Business Review Paper on how to motivate difficult people. Might have something to say after reading).


Trust is usually hard to define, but I really like how they broke it out :

Candor – How leaders deepen relationships and understanding through use of disclosure

Caring – How leaders develop personal relationships by expressing empathy, using inquiry, and behaving under pressure

Commitment – How leaders convey and reinforce their agenda and personal reliability by following through

Clarity – How leaders avoid ambiguity and misunderstanding through the use of balanced inquiry and advocacy

Tell me that doesn’t apply to relationships as well, and I’ll call you a foo.

There was a page about how to rebuild trust when it’s been violated, but I didn’t get a book since they ran out. I’ll get one tomorrow and share.


They say when people have issues with two of these areas, they end up quitting. Also applicable to relationships I think (-> relationship equivalent)

  • Work/life -> Chores and tough conversations, fun stuff and bonding
  • Work/role -> Fulfilling expected obligations/having expected obligations you and/or the other person
  • Salary/Benefits -> Relations, food, gifts, nice feelings, feeling loved
  • Career Development -> Personal development, new responsibilities, interpersonal skills, etc.
  • Team -> How to give and take
  • Culture -> The kind of environment or kind of relationship you want to have

All this spells an overall level of satisfaction in your job (or relationship)


Yeah pretty interesting stuff wouldn’t you say? Corporate America, or really any sort of working or social environment really all use the same rules if you think about it…


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