Late Night Musings


It’s 2:19 AM.

At this time of night, nothing good can be happening.

Any conversations at this time will always be laced with some sort of sexual innuendo.

Late night chatters are up sharing web cam feeds of people’s private areas.

Still others are up driving to booty call destinations.

Everything is all to the bad.

What is it about night that drives people to do such things?

And why do people always regret these things in some way when the sun comes up.

I will never know.

A good amount of things on my mind tonight.

It’s a very interesting thing to be desired by someone, especially when they tell you so. “Young Grasshopper” sent a not so subtle text message detailing exactly how he desired me and I felt a bit uncomfortable. I think that’s exactly why he will forever be “YOUNG” to me.

Or “Predictable?”

Or “MALE?”

It’s like I want to put him in my pocket and give him a pat, just a tiny little pat…

(To me, there is a difference between someone who is male and someone who is a man. Jesus is a man. “Ray Ray” is male. Beloved’s male is a man. Actually, anything with an extra appendage is a “male” to me until he proves other wise.)

(and for the record, I don’t consider myself a “woman” yet. Not until I’m self sustatining, confident, and satisfied with my life will I think that.)

I think there’s something in the male make-up that makes them desire things they can’t have. Or at least chase after the rabbit like a dog in one of those races. It’s like they obsess, fantasize, and ask questions that drive them crazy until they can’t take it anymore and “do” some poor suspecting other female. Not trying to toot my own horn, but it seems that I’ve had that affect on a lot of males I show a quarter of an interest in. It’s very curse like in a way.

Despite this unfortunate reoccurance, it actually helps as a deterrent to following through on anything male related. Knowing that something someone else really wants is in your possession…and that no one will really ever get it unless they are above and beyond any male I’ve ever encountered…

When throwing them a bone though (under the guise of showing interest or deliberatly producing something that would trigger bone like reactions) , I always feel like I die a little inside after the fact. I had a habit with the ex of indulging some of his male idiosyncrasies which should have definitely been available to paying customers only (and when I say paying I mean someone of boyfriend status) however when it comes to him, I’m like a parent that spoils their child all the time…

por ejemplo:

At work today, these two grandsons were begging their grandpa to buy them six video games. They charmed him into buying them although the entire purchase was quite expensive. After/while he paid for them, the kids were off playing something else, seemingly forgetting about their previous need for the games. An hour later, I saw the grandfather carrying the games around while the kids were off being entertained by the next shiny thing that caught their eye.

Similar situation. I always feel exploited after something as simple as indulging a male, even in an innocent situation.

I think it’s my own fault though with the more extreme situations. I need to tie a string around my finger for reality check purposes.


P.S. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is an excellent movie. “I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. ”

Classic. That’s the phrase for the week:

“I fart in your general direction.”

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