Good Mo-nin’


Good morning, good morning
We’ve danced the whole night through
Good morning, good morning to you…

Wow I’ve seen Singing in the Rain maybe once, but I still remember that song for some reason.

Life has been interesting as of late. It seems like just about every ex I’ve had contacted me somehow yesterday…

First, let’s revisit that weekly horoscope I referenced a few days ago:

Use your common sense! You now have a tendency to do and say things which you might regret later.

Check. I am definitely regretting a few things I’ve done recently…

You have a short fuse and want to defend yourself from any hostility you perceive. You now have the energy and courage to stand up for yourself. Go ahead but be careful. Try not to mince your words. Try to be honest and direct when discussing anything and don’t beat about the bush. You could now hit the bull’s-eye.

I haven’t quite perceived any hostility, but it’s only Thursday. I HAVE been honest and direct about a few things though…which in turn has made me regret the things I was honest about, but whatever.

If there’s someone you secretly admire but haven’t felt able to reveal your feelings, this is a good time to make a move.

Wonder of wonders, the person I admire called yesterday! It was really unexpected since it’s been almost a month since we last talked…(it was GAM).

You might even feel under a certain amount of pressure to finally say something. Consider carefully what you say – an honest compliment will suffice and will lessen the risk that you end up stammering. Initiate a conversation but listen to what the other person has to say. Throw in a clever question every now and then. You might be rather nervous and have a tendency to blurt things out in a rather hasty manner.

I was so flustered I talked SUPER fast in a stream of conscious type form. People say I speak quickly already, but I swear yesterday I was on overdrive. Luckily though he caught pretty much everything and we had a pleasant hour long conversation. He said things like “I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders now that finals are over” and inserted a few “aww’s” where appropriate, but I could tell it wasn’t with the intention of resuming things. The conversation ended in a “so..yeeeaaah I guess we don’t have that much more to talk about since you’re an ex and things like ‘I miss you’ are no longer appropriate ” kind of way.

So yeah interesting times…

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