

I was doing a Google Desktop search for the correct spelling of Welch’s (like the Grape juice) and came across this email to my sister. It was a timeline of my first date with GAM. The email didn’t tell the end of the date as I have good girl persona to uphold amongst the family and they tend to be extremely…overprotective/prudish, but this entry will tell all just because I’m GROWN!

(And a lot of people who don’t know me read this anyway, lol)

So here we go…

my additions

March 30, 2007

4:50 PM I went outside of my dorm and sat on a bench with my required objects. (I was in charge of music and blanket).

He was already parked outside in the parking lot across the way (I didn’t know his car and he hadn’t’ seen me.) He walked up at 4:58 and walked me to his car. Opened the door for me and everything.

5:45 We arrived at Grant Park (took forever due to traffic). And scoped out a spot.

6:00 We ate and stared back at the white people who stared at us (we were in a white area and I guess they thought it was cute that the Black kids were all dressed up and having a picnic).

He made a fruit salad and vegetable stir fry (he’s a vegetarian). I was frightened that I wouldn’t like it since I have the PTC thing (means I can taste a bitter chemical in a lot of green vegetables. Don’t discount people when they say they don’t like vegetables! Not everyone can taste PTC and that’s the reason why some people don’t like them!), but it was actually quite good.

I learned all about his past which was actually very interesting.

Learned about what he wants to do in life. (Be an activist and live and work in Africa to provide more opportunities for young people here and there….really reflects his past. Very admirable).

We talked about how Greek Life wasn’t what we thought it was. He says he probably won’t be active once he graduates, but he is thankful for the lessons he learned during his process…etc.

7:45 We walked went to get Ice Cream at a parlor he used to work at nearby. I had the cantaloupe flavor. He had peach.

8:15 We went back to the car. We both didn’t want to go back to campus and responsibilities though so we went on a hunt for stars. We coined the date, “Friterday, the 8th day of the week…” (wow I forgot about that!) as everything seemed very unreal and it was like we had escaped Tech life. This was used as well as, “the Great Escape” (Very lame I know, but you had to be there)

9:00 Not wanting to go back, we drove through the traffic to the nearby Lake Lanier (not anywhere near Tech I know…). I vaguely knew where it was, and we lucked out as I remembered it was up 85 and not 75. We went to the boat docks and talked, listened to music, and drank Welch’s Grape Juice out of wine glasses. (He’d brought that and White wine, but I didn’t like wine at that time.)

Go back to campus.


<the real end…>

10:00 Since it was cold, we climbed back in the car and drove around until we could find a spot facing the water. We sat and talked about everything under the sun…then we sat and just listening to the music and enjoying each other’s company.

11:30 All the windows were fogged up so we didn’t notice the police car next park to us. He tapped on my window and with some convincing, I got GAM to roll the window down. (Controls were locked). The officer asked what we were doing. Clearly…lol. We said we were just enjoying the park. He told us to be careful, gave a menacing eye, and left. (We really weren’t doing anything but talking…)


12:00 More talking…

1:30 I discovered that GAM is RIPPED! I mean BRICK LAYER STOMACH! I’d never seen someone with a stomach like that up close! I playfully hit his stomach while teasing about something and was surprised that it felt like I was literally hitting stone (practically). Of course me being me, (Carpe Diem is my line name after all) I lifted up his shirt to have a look see.

He was embarrassed! And so humble! I was literally dumbfounded and was like “WHHOOOOOAA if I had a stomach like that I would never wear a shirt! It would be like December, and I’d still be walking around like, what?”

He just dismissed it as something everyone is capable of with hard work and discipline.

I couldn’t believe it though. He was so sculpted, and his skin was as smooth as a baby’s booty.

2:00 Still poking his stomach. And occasionally rubbing…completely oblivious to what that might do, LOL.

3:00 Realize we should head back to campus soon.

4:00 Start talking about how we should head back to campus, but reluctant for the night to end.

4:45 Decide to go back to his place and hang out. (LOL…oh dear…)

5:30 Arrive at campus realizing the date has now been over 12 hours long…

5:45 Get to his room. Watch Jungle Fever.

6:00 Realize I’d never been more alert in my LIFE!

6:45 And THEN!!!


LOL not really. But we did share a kiss or eight. I don’t think we made it to class that day either.

<email continued>

It was the most romantic date I’ve ever been on. I’m VERY impressed with this dude. He was a gentleman the whole time. Didn’t even try to kiss me. (He really didn’t. I initiated everything and he willingly acquiesced to my requests. )

AND he’s CUT!!! I punched him in the stomach and my hand just bounced off.

That is all.

But it wasn’t. It really wasn’t…and isn’t…can’t wait until next week!

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It’s B Scott!


  • March 13, 2008 at 2:59 pm

    Oh, yuck, you’re so sappy. Yeah… I recently remembered “the first date” too. Aww… I hope you guys have a good time when he comes to visit you. AND THEN!!! lol.

  • March 13, 2008 at 11:48 pm

    Aww…Have fun and live in the moment!

  • March 14, 2008 at 11:57 am

    Thanks! :)


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