Fall Break & Team Players


Man it has been a lovely little fall break so far.

Yesterday I stayed in bed till about 3, got up and cooked a lovely breakfast of bacon, grits, biscuits, and eggs, flipped between a Sanford and Son marathon and football games… (Did anyone see Georgia get slapped by Vanderbilt btw? To “heck” with Georgia!) And just enjoyed a lovely October day, crisply cool with the smells of autumn….

Actually I think that’s what I liked best. It reminded me of back in the day when my mother would wake up (at a reasonable hour of course) and cook that breakfast The smell of maple bacon would linger all day… *tear…those were the days.

In other news…

Not too much else is going on. Got an email back from my M-soft recruiter thanking me for my thank you letter. I guess people don’t do that anymore or something. I thought it was a common practice. I’m glad he thought enough of me to write me back though. Hopefully, it was a good sign.

Couple of other revelations:

Like I said before, a crush is an idealized version of what the person actually is. As I get to know mine a bit better, some true colors are starting to show. Some of the things I admired most about them is turning out to be…not a sham but not quite as tight as I thought. Just for the record, sometimes words or correspondence can speak as loud as actions.

 * start metaphor *

Even with “the ex” when we were really together, he didn’t actually physically cheat, but there was a “team” of people that he frequently corresponded with in a inappropriate way, one of which was his future “point guard” or fiancée. When evaluating my types of people I would like to be involved with, I would hope that though they may have such a “team,” the members are firmly “BENCHED” to only be “called in” when the “starting line” is no longer able to “play.”

If you know what I mean.

However, if the “coach” is talking up his “benched players” when the “starting line” is performing quite strongly and he has no intention of making “substitutions”, that should be a technical foul.

If you know what I mean.

I’m not the type of “player” to “talk smack” on the “bench” when I know I’m not going to be put in “to play.” Therefore, I shall check out other “teams” while keeping an eye on the “starting line up” and any slip ups they might make.  I also will take note of the “coach’s” behavior during “game play” for any other inconsistencies on the pedestal I have placed them on.

If you know what I mean.

* end metaphor *

Oh yeah, and GO DELISHIS!

That is all.

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