

Attitudes. I hate them.

I mean, it’s one thing to be antisocial and not speak to people (my version of having an attitude) but it’s entirely different to disrespect someone by speaking to them in a degrading way. Today I almost slapped someone, I was like, “really? are you really talking to me this way? Have you lost your fucking mind?!?! That’s why nobody likes your STANK ass. Yeah I said it, and I’ll say it again…STANK ASS!”


In other news…

I have been so forgetful lately. I forgot about two meetings I was supposed to go to, one where I was on the agenda, and the other I could have gotten free food and 30 dollars. I can’t believe I forgot. I’m was all, “yeah, I’ll take a nap and then go to this practice at eight…gotta catch up on this sleep since I didn’t really get any last night for various reasons…”

I’ve discovered that I have poor circulation and a aversion to wearing heels for long periods of time. My back and knee were killing me last night! LOL my roommates looked at me weird this morning as I they heard orgasmic sounds emanating from my room last night. It was really just me reveling in the fact that I was finally off my feet and unstressed since my program planning duties were complete…and then I finally had time to stretch out some of the pain from my aching joints…it was an emotional experience.

The Black. White. finale was anti-climatic. Turns out no one learned anything and the white girl still doesn’t know how to write poetry. Ah well, it was a good idea at least.

Now that I had me a treat of a few chocolate chip cookies, I’m mo kick back and partake in some adult swim/nick at nite.

Thank you and goodnight.

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