

Love. What is it? Is it something you can touch, smell, feel? Can you see It? Can you feel it? Can you even name it?

It’s the scariest feeling in existence…

It’s the most violent action in the universe.

But on the whole, It’s a completely indescribable.

I heard spoken word a few weeks ago on the subject of “Love.”  The speaker said he wasn’t worthy of her love, that no one was.  She said that she couldn’t help it, she couldn’t stop it, couldn’t control it. It wasn’t anything that he did, and nothing he could do that would stop her from feeling that way or even to make her feel that way. It just was. I wish I knew who she was so I could listen to her again, or at least put her poem on here for people to hear.  Although “Love” is indescribable, she still described It pretty well.  She was able to explain how it was supposed to be between a man and a woman.

I was especially impressed when she said there is no word that could justly describe “love.” I agree. From now on it will be referred to as: “___________”

So “_________.” I’m going to try to describe It for myself. Referencing the song, “I’ll Cover You” from Rent and adding a little more just in case it sounds familiar…

Trust in me.
I’ll nurture you, encourage you, support you
All you have to do is trust me with your love
And I’ll do anything for you

Let me past your barriers and into your heart
I don’t have much to offer, But I can give you all of myself
I’ll always be there to provide for you
I’ll do anything for you

Love isn’t love unless it’s mutually sincere
You gave me your love and have allowed me to see an incredible reality
You are my LIFE and I am yours.

I’ll be your comfort, your warmth

Protect me and I’ll support you

Support me and I’ll protect you

Through everything, no matter what happens our love is true and will stand up to anything
When you feel hopeless in any situation
I will always be there for you
To support you, to love you
Until the day you die, and even after…

I’ll ________ you.

Absolute mutual trust. Trusting your heart, your mind, your absolute soul to another human. Trusting your absolute life to them. 

It’s an emotion, a verb that God himself bestows on his people. GOD HIMSELF. An ethereal emotion. Something reserved for a parent and their child. Something reserved for two “_______”ers brought together by God.

BY GOD can you imagine?

Someone is out there that was chosen by God to be yours and only yours. They were created specifically for you just as you were created specifically for them.  Someone is out there that is worthy of you trusting them so deeply and completely; to point where you would never even THINK about doubting their feelings or devotion because you have no doubt that they are a gift for you from God.

Can you imagine?!


I’ll Cover You
By Jonathan Larsen

Live in my house I’ll be your shelter,
Just pay me back with one thousand kisses,
Be my lover and I’ll cover you.

Open your door I’ll be your tenant,
Don’t have much baggage to lay at your feet,
But sweet kisses I have to spare,
I’ll be there and I’ll cover you.

I think they meant it when they said you can’t buy Love
But I know you can rent it a new lease you are my Love,
On life,
Be my life.

Just put me on I’ll be your blanket
Whenever wherever I’ll be your coat
You be my king and I’ll be your castle
You be my queen and I’ll be your moat

I think they meant it when they said you can’t buy Love
But I know you can rent it a new lease you are my Love,
On life,
Oh my life

I’ve longed to discover something as true as this is
So with a thousand sweet kisses (when you’re cold and you’re lonely)
With a thousand sweet kisses (You’ve got one nickel only)
With a thousand sweet kisses (When you’re worn and you’re tired)
With a thousand sweet kisses (When your heart has expired)

Oh lover, I’ll cover you
Oh lover, I’ll cover you.

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