

Too much happening!!!

Houmebying lesson of the day

New construction. They will talk about their preferred lender.

Do NOT go by whatever numbers the lender gives you.

Ask for it in writing all the numbers. Broken out.

Taxes too.

Attorney fees.

Lender fees.

Closing costs.

Monthly payment breakout.

Before signing any contracts.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

The Custody Battle continues

Emails fly all day.

My “parents” are playing favorites by giving me “candy”.

Can we all just get along! I don’t like it when my “parents” fight!

The person who currently has custody of me is having a sitdown with all the parties Friday morning.

Time will reveal.

In Dreams

With all that’s going on, my dreams are my subconscious working through all the fears I have in my waking life.

Since apparently my brain does not give me a break EVER.

Uptick on dreams about being back in high school even though I have a degree. Something about needing to go back and take one class or else my degree would be worthless.

Or having to preform in a play/step show/dance recital and not knowing my lines or the routines.

Or driving in a car and not being able to steer.

Totally unhelpful.


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My neck! My back! My neck AND my back!


  • June 28, 2013 at 12:31 am

    Uptick on dreams about being back in high school even though I have a degree. Something about needing to go back and take one class or else my degree would be worthless.

    I have that one all the time! Damn grade 12 economics, which I dropped. I have a recurring dream that if the universities I attended ever found out that I dropped that course, my degrees would be revoked. I wake up feeling relieved that it was only a dream, but also like a charlatan and with a sense of guilt that lingers throughout the morning.

    • June 30, 2013 at 3:04 am

      Mine is always economics too!

      I did okay in high school with it though. Somehow managed a 102 on that final…

      Then promptly forgot everything.


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