Something on my mind…

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Over the past week or so I’ve learned something new about a situation I’m dealing with.

It’s been a part of my life for a long time now, and as such has been ingrained as being a large influence on the future choices I make. This experience has brought a range of feelings from frustration and sadness to the most incredible and intense feelings of ecstasy and joy. Before, I didn’t want to say much about it as to not harp on it, but now I think I can finally say….

Prince of Persia the Two Thrones is KaNisa’s pick for favorite game of the year (so far).

I remember way back in the day with the first Prince of Persia. My sister brought it home on one of those disks that could be read on a Mac and PC. They played the game a lot on yearbook staff, and she thought it would be fun to add to our computer game library. We all played for a while, had photocopies for the manual as it was a bootleg copy and you need it to play the game….(ie copy protection levels asked things like, what is the first letter of the third word on page 32 on which if you got it wrong then the poor prince was killed) but essentially, the game was impossible to beat.

Prince of Persia Two had a similar level of impossibleness…however, I got the furthest between my oldest sister and me. My other sister just watched us play….I remember having radio mix tapes playing TLC, Kriss Kross, in the background while we whacked a flying screaming heads…

Then there was a hiatus of PoP games…until 3D came out.

Which was a monstrosity. I played it for maybe five minutes and was like “f that.” The prince didn’t have the response time like his 2-d counterpart.

Then came the Sands of Time.

Wonderful! Marvelous! Magnificent!

I think it was a little easy because I solved it without any “game enhancements” (aka cheat books) but I still really loved how the game ran and the wonderful addition of the Sands to rewind mistakes and such.

The one after that, I couldn’t really get into. I think they rushed it out because the graphics are lacking and the game itself threw you into the action too fast and was more fighting based.

Now with this latest chapter in PoP history, I’m just loving it. The quality of the graphics is the same as Sands, and once again, the puzzles aren’t particularly difficult. I also feel extra special because I can perform attack combinations that look cool.

Excellent! Splendiferous! Wheat!

Okay I think I’ve shown enough of my inner nerd this week, but I just had to comment on this wonderful game. GO OUT AND BUY IT TODAY!

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