NSBE Pic & late night musings


Here was me after the NSBE gala thing…I alluded to it yesterday.

Get it, girl.

Been writing these entries like crazy lately. I’m not really sure why though, I really haven’t said anything of worth.

I looked through some of my old entries on the other site, and it seemed like I had more to say about the world than about me…I just seemed so much more thoughtful. This new journal seems more about me, and actually, since I’m not on the infamous facebook anymore, I feel like I can be less careful about what I write about. I definitely don’t get as much traffic as I used to since then, but I think I’m okay with that. It’s different when people who see you everyday know your personal thoughts.

Still though…writing about ME…

Sometimes I think I use this journal for selfish reasons. I guess a journal should be a personal thing, to write about YOUR thoughts, and what YOU think about life. I think I write more to communicate to others than to just write what I think…or that whatever I write is based on an ulterior motive. This is especially strange since I have no reason to do so as not many people I truly know read this, or those that I do know, I can just speak to directly. Still though, I know I can just talk to people, but I still feel like…maybe I can’t speak to them like I want to or as much as I want to so I try to communicate through as many lines as possible…which actually isn’t fair since they’re not doing the same, and have no reason to do the same.

Whatever though. This journal is supposed to be about me. For me. Not for anyone else. Maybe I just need to be more aware of what I write….

I’m beginning to think that people are coming to their senses though…

Did you ever wish that someone you cared about wasn’t successful with something so they could still be on your level or that maybe they would stay with you? Maybe it was a promotion, graduating from college, becoming Greek, anything that is a wonderful life experience but at the same time, it would make them less available or obligated to you.

It’s especially bothersome when you see signs that they’re ready to move on. Why does everyone have to always move on? Fuck the notion that people are supposed to be a part of your life for a season. Seasons never last long enough…and sometimes seasons may be forgotten.

I can see it coming though…I really can.

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