Music of My Heart


Listening to Debarge.

These songs can put me in a totally different place.

I don’t remember much about them from the 80’s…really only vaguely. All of their songs fall under my “Michigan song” category though with the rest of the 80’s songs I remember.

Some of these though… man they just take me back to not that long ago. I had to take a break from what I was doing and talk about some of these. All these cause me to relive some times. I’ll write as the songs come on.

All this Love

– I feel just Loved and like I’m in Love.
– I remember playing this a few times while riding in the car with someone.
– I Remember stealing The Ultimate Debarge collection from someone.
(Okay well all these someones is the same someone, I’ll be making apoint later)

Love Me in a Special Way
– I believe this is and was my theme to how I approach relationships. I’m not every girl. Listen and find out how you can get me (lol)

Rhythm of the Night
– A true Michigan song. I think this is the one I remember most from the good old days.

I Like It
– I don’t know why, but this seems like a great driving song for some reason…

Love Always
– I think I wrote a couple of loaded emails to this song…not on purpose. Just coincidence.

Time Will Reveal
– Was the music for a certain sim movie…sadly I deleted it a while back. It was a masterpiece, I wish I hadn’t.
– I swore by this song until time revealed something I didn’t want it to.

Who’s Holding Donna Now
– Lived this for a minute

Stay With Me
Part of me really might be relating to this song right now. I’ll never admit it again though.

A Dream
– Lived every part of this song. Was really feeling this last summer. Trying to keep the previous song’s feelings in check so I won’t be feeling this again.

I guess finally made headway in life. I can finally look back on that relationship as one that had some fantastic times and not one that was a negative experience. Before, whenever I heard any Debarge or John Legend song, I always got really down and lonely. Now I can hear them and just remember those good times. Sure I miss being in a real relationship like that with someone like that, but I don’t know. Que sera, sera…

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