Personal “World” View


I’m aware that that I’ve lived a fairly sheltered life.

Was recently reminded of this when reading someone’s blog about pregnant 12 year olds and how common that is. Someone commented that for the most part, that is the result of abuse by family, mother’s boyfriend, or a 20 something dude.

Lots of other comments mentioned knowing classmates in middle school being pregnant as well, especially into high school.

Thinking back, I never saw any pregnant classmates at school…not until college.

K-8 was public school…I’m almost sure, if any one DID get pregnant, they were sent to a different school. (Upper Middle class/award winning school district).

9-12 was private school, the most selective ones in their respective cities. Thinking maybe abortion was popular if people did get pregnant due to the image of the families that went there?

Just strange that’s a common thing people encounter and I haven’t been exposed to much, not at school anyway.

Cousins and things are a different matter…though still even then they were closer to 18 …

Sphere of influence…

This also colors my opinions about say entrepreneurship. I know tons of people around my age or younger who are doing gigantic things in the startup world. Or who are actually successful hip hop producers. Or who have their own brick and mortar business. I’m even helping someone out with screens for their invention right now…(my stuff isn’t on there yet).

(By the way, totally impressed with the info they provided me with when they asked for my help. Made it easy to say yes as they thought out a lot and had it documented and even working already!)

Hard to relate to people who say “the man” is keeping them down. Or who can’t find success doing the things they want to do…or who have 181 reasons why they can’t do something…or why they haven’t yet started.

Personal problems?

I recognize that it truly is easier for people who have support around them to accomplish more things. Like if you’re not worrying about how to pay your bills, you have more time to work on other things…but still.

That combination of having audacity to hope, the willingness to sweat, and the awareness to recognize your strengths and weaknesses and when to ask for help can be quite powerful….and mostly does work out more often than not… especially once you’re doing things you’re MEANT to be doing….

I dunno…excuses and “justifications” are hard to listen to when you know things can be done…

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  • March 19, 2013 at 1:33 pm

    The comment I left was a story I just heard this year about a grown man who had a kid at 12. Nobody in his family saw it as molestation. I too didn’t have pregnant teens around. I’m not sure if the kids who would get and stay pregnant were filtered out or there were abortions. But RHS didn’t have any pregnant girls walking around. At our reunion, one of the women said her mom told her if she came home pregnant, she had two choices: the street or the clinic. Scared her enough that she didn’t get pregnant in HS.

    The sphere of influence is important. Bad influences support bad decisions.

    • March 19, 2013 at 6:10 pm

      Agreed. Which kind of rollls up into my other post about standards…kind of want to be with someone where certain things weren’t part of their reality because they were always held to a higher standard. They’re of course AWARE of other realities, but they proactively position themselves so THAT reality will never be theirs due to their own choices.


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