

I keep saying that it would be terrifying to have boys.

I grew up with all sisters and have absolutely no idea how to raise one.

Couple of news items and things floated across my Facebook newsfeeds this morning adding to my fear:

High school football star has rape charge dismissed after accuser contacts him on Facebook to say it never happened

Saw this first with just the picture. Couldn’t see the context, but reading the comments, it seemed he was accused falsely accused of rape.  Went back and read the article…1.5 million dollar payout and 6 years in jail for him does seem a bit excessive based on the evidence…

Still though…

Have some unpopular opinions when it comes to cases like this…mostly along the lines of being careful who you associate with…or spend time REALLY getting to know people before you go anywhere near being intimate with them (even before flirting or even kissing, much less before relations).

Chick is catching a lot of flack, especially from dudes…

I keep thinking there’s a bit of guilt/fear mixed in that?

Where is the line between coercing chicks into having relations and rape? She really could change her mind later and call it the latter…and sometimes even be justified.

It’s a tough situation.

Which is why I firmly believe :


This is not twitter, or facebook, or the club. You cannot be sexually forward with people you meet right off the bat…or even down the line sometimes. You don’t know them or how they will react.

Just like a chick can’t walk down a dark ally with a short skirt and high heels…a dude cannot walk up to a chick and say something suggestive…or even use their “power” or popularity to win favor with chicks.

You do not know what their motive is and they do not know yours.

Everyone has some adjustments they need to make in order to protect themselves.

So Adjust.

Something else :

So over the whining about “Good” or “Qualified” men choosing to remain single.

In this context, you are not “Good” or “Qualified” if you choose to do so.

Also you are not “Good” or “Qualified” because you went to college, are gainfully employed, and have no kids.

That’s called being a college-educated adult without kids.

You don’t get cookies for doing what you’re supposed to do.

This is like chicks calling themselves “good” because they can cook, clean, and provide support to others.

That also being an adult.

This movie does look balanced though based on the trailer.

Just sayin though, if you call yourself a “good” anything in regard to relationships, you need more people.

No need to declare, just be.

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