Lessons Learned…cont.


My elders say…

Well maybe they’re not “elders” per say, but the group I’m speaking of are at least one generation older than me…but a bit younger than my parents.

I’d probably get the stank eye for calling them elders…lol.

There are a couple of blogs I read..the Blogsome crew and their affiliates…they’re a very interesting  contrast to the e-environment my peers provide. For the under 30/early 30 e-crowd, they seem to be caught up in a lot of games..head games, “winning” whatever that means…basically “doing them” without much thought to the consequences of their doings.

The Blogsome crew…they don’t play that….like at all.

Mrs. Mingo posted one of her scenarios about a wife finding flirtatious messages in her husband’s phone…from the mother of one their kid’s friends.

The general consensus from the 22 comments?

“Homey don’t play that..like at all.”

They were blocking numbers, sending ole girl “My husband and I discussed your texts and WE feel they were inappropriate. If you need to speak to someone regarding our children, please contact me” messages…

Telling their husbands/SO to shut it down or they would.

Drop kicking broads…

All kinds of stuff!

Now had that same scenario been posted in a forum targeting MY peer group? Responses would have been like…

Why she checking his phone? That means she doesn’t trust him and they have other issues.

Flirting doesn’t = cheating…

He can’t control what messages he gets from other women…

Flirting is healthy for relationships…

If he’s going to cheat, he’s going to cheat…

Talking to another women regularly several times a day doesn’t mean anything…

He can’t have friends?

Maybe he doesn’t want to be mean…

Like night and day. It was telling that none of the thoughts from the latter set even made an appearance in that comment section.

It’s also interesting because in both cases, I’m not sure if BOTH sides are exaggerating what they would really do/say.

On the Blogsome crew side, I’m wondering if it’s a situation like this :

On the peer side, I’m wondering if they’re doing the “making excuses for bad behavior/misdirection/lack of accountability” thing.

Like for real, there’s no problem with a dude in a relationship talking to one other woman regularly and having flirty conversations…regularly. Like that’s cool?

For real?

. . .


I digress…

The dichotomy is interesting…especially since a lot of the Blogsome crew admittedly used to ride for the other side in their younger days…

Accountability though…it seems there’s a switch that most people flip (hopefully) at some point in their 20’s.

Before : I’m doing me. Don’t care about anyone else really…

After : Oh I guess my actions or lack thereof do affect other people. I should act accordingly.

. . .

I bet it’s fun to just live without regard for other people and their feelings…or even without being aware of yourself and your own issues. I can’t even imagine what that’s like. I think I actually 45 when I was born…


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Lessons learned…
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Positive Thoughts Needed!


  • April 5, 2012 at 8:36 pm

    Either social networks attract a highly solipsistic demographic or I live in unreality. I’m more like you, born respectful of others, and I used to think most other people, of all ages, were, too. Now, I don’t know. The internet worries me.

    • April 5, 2012 at 9:08 pm

      The internet makes me lose hope in people…especially people my age…SUPER insecure generation one day raising ULTRA insecure kids?

  • April 5, 2012 at 9:01 pm


    I am not really sure about the under 30 set these days but I thought the same way at 28 that I do at age 38.

    My response on MM’s blog would have been the same 10 years ago. If I was married, hoez would not BE disrespecting my marriage like that. But then I was taught to have respect for myself and not be a doormat.

    Maybe it’s in how folks are brought up…

    • April 5, 2012 at 9:12 pm

      See I’m side eyeing the husband for not shutting it down personally. Like seriously I gotta police dude because he didn’t know that wasn’t okay…or didn’t shut it down? That’s a discussion for sure. Being passive in situations like that is like allowance for line stepping in my eyes…

  • April 6, 2012 at 12:18 pm

    I am with TIH. I have been blogging for a long, long time. The group I’ve blogged with and around have always been about accountability. That hoe needs checking as does the husband. He may like the attention but they are both adults, aware of his marital status, and it needs to be cut, immediately. Even in our 20’s we were grown enough to know that the whole exchange was disrespectful. We were smart enough to know that labeling someone ‘insecure’ is often a sign that the labeler got caught doing some stuff they weren’t supposed to be doing. Instead of fessing up and correcting the behavior, they turn it on the person (in this case the wife), who called the behavior messy.

    • April 6, 2012 at 9:16 pm

      Agreed. You guys give me hope, but I would always expect you to have that kind of response. It’s “the others” that worry me…


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