Introducing Lyric’s Corner


Decided to do a little housekeeping and see what all blogsome can do. Turns out you can have separate pages from the actual blog, I decided to make a separate section for my more personal Ujima referenced a few entries ago. The Rainstorm story and other works from different authors will be there now. I’m kind of sensitive about who sees it though just because only one person has read my forays into that genre and I don’t think I’m all that good by comparison. If you’re curious though let me know. I already have a list in my mind of who I would allow, mostly people in the blogsphere for constructive criticism, but I might be open to others.

It’s crazy…I just finished that rainstorm story and got a little emotional…I mean stories like that are supposed to evoke some "emotions", but not the one I felt just now…

Lyric’s Corner Portal

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